迪娜·G. Malgeri Modern American Society and Culture 研讨会

迪娜·G. Malgeri Modern American Society and Culture 研讨会 focuses on the study of "modern" America from its inception in the nineteenth century to the opening decades of the twenty-first century. This wide chronological expanse offers scholars an opportunity to delve into key issues in American society, 比如种族, 种族, 以及全球移民, as well as the role of the suburbs, 远郊的, and the importance of nationhood, 公民身份, 识别, 和更多的. The seminars examine what constitutes a society or culture and what divides it, from the Civil Rights era to the Gilded Age to the cyberworld.

These sessions bring together a diverse group of scholars and interested members of the public to workshop a pre-circulated paper. After brief remarks from the author and an assigned commentator, the discussion is opened to the floor. All are encouraged to ask questions, provide feedback on the circulated essay, 讨论手头的话题. Our sessions are free and open to everyone.

如何出席: 透过我们的 活动日历 and you will receive the session's discussion paper the day before the seminar by email. 

订阅: Purchasing a $25 seminar subscription gives you special advanced access to the seminar papers of all seven seminar series for the current academic year. 订阅这

用户登录:已经是订阅者? 使用你的密码 view currently available essays

Join the mailing list today by emailing seminars@fitbackreform.com.

问题? 电子邮件 seminars@fitbackreform.com.



Extended Deadline: April 10, 2023

迪娜·G. Malgeri Modern American Society and Culture 研讨会 invites proposals for sessions in its 2023-2024 series. The 研讨会 involves discussion of pre-circulated works in progress, especially article or chapter-length papers (20-40 pages), focusing on any aspect of American history from the Civil War through the twentieth century. Contributions might address political culture and the state; technological change; political economy, 劳动, and capital; immigration; the family; urban, 郊区, and rural change; race and 种族; religion; and high and low culture, 体育, 和休闲. Papers comparing the American experience with developments elsewhere in the world are welcome, as are cross-disciplinary studies.

Each session focuses on the discussion of a paper distributed to seminar registrants approximately three weeks before the program. Authors must have their papers ready for circulation at this time. The essayist and an assigned commentator will each have an opportunity for remarks before the discussion is opened to the floor. Sessions may take place virtually, in person, or in a hybrid format as conditions allow. 

We invite proposals (500 words) and CVs (3 pages maximum) from interested researchers. 在你的提案中, please indicate when your paper can be available for distribution, as well as your preference (fall or spring) based on when the seminar’s feedback would be helpful to you. Advise us of any special scheduling conditions, such as a planned trip to Boston or an extended period when you cannot make a presentation. The steering committee will consider all proposals for the available session slots, and proposers will be notified by early summer.

Please submit your proposals by 10 April 2023 to seminars@fitbackreform.com.


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这是一项混合赛事. The in-person reception will begin at 4:30 pm.

This paper uncovers a multi-generational history of domestic workers’ fight for dignity and economic…