
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


这个收藏主要由李氏家族的文件组成 亨利·李(1782-1867)和小亨利·李的通信、著作和商业记录. (1817-1898).

Biographical Sketch

亨利·李(1782-1867)是一位繁荣的印度商人、自由贸易经济学家和宣传家. 他的妻子玛丽·杰克逊·李(1783-1860). Henry Lee, Jr. (1817-1898),亨利·李的儿子 玛丽·杰克逊·李是一位银行家、戏剧企业家和政治改革者 马萨诸塞州内战州长约翰·阿尔比恩·安德鲁的军事副官.

Collection Description

这个收藏包括李氏家族的个人文件,主要是 亨利·李(1782-1867)和他的儿子亨利·李的通信、著作和商业记录, Jr. (1817-1898). 李氏家族的其他成员和杰克逊家族的亲戚在 这些藏品包括:玛丽·杰克逊·李(1783-1860)、乔纳森·杰克逊(1743-1810)、帕特里克·特雷西 杰克逊(1780-1847)、弗朗西斯·洛厄尔·李(1823-1886)、约瑟夫·李(1744-1831)、小约瑟夫·李. (1770-1845)、托马斯·李(1741-1830)、小托马斯·李. (1779-1867)和亨利·李·沙塔克 (1879-1971).

在通信和著作中涉及的许多主题包括:自由贸易,战争 1812年,银行和货币,棉花制造,戏剧,内战,公务员制度改革, 1790年的美国人口普查,1831年的自由贸易会议,以及马萨诸塞州 militia. 著名记者包括:约翰. Andrew, Albert Gallatin, Edwin L. Godkin, Robert Y. 海恩,乔治·弗里斯比·霍尔,弗朗西丝·安妮·肯布尔,艾伯特·劳伦斯,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇, and Robert Gould Shaw.

合订本包括商业记录,主要是帐簿, 各种家族企业的账簿和信件,里面有手机网赌软件排行榜印第安人、欧洲人、 南美、西印度和中国的贸易. 在其他卷中有个人日记和 scrapbooks.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Mrs. Frederick C. Shattuck, 1919.

Other Formats

船上日志的数字副本 Logan are available on China, America and the Pacific, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your 当地图书管理员确定您的图书馆是否有访问权限. MHS提供这种资源 onsite; see a 更多信息请参考图书管理员.

双桅帆船日志的数字副本 Henrico are available on Life at Sea是亚当·马修数码公司的数字出版物, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian 以确定您的库是否具有访问权限. MHS提供这种资源 onsite; see a 更多信息请参考图书管理员.


I. Loose manuscripts, 1535-1957

查看本系列所有通讯员的列表,以及姓名 手机网赌软件排行榜馆藏中具有历史意义的人物和主题,请参见 index.

A. Correspondence, 1535-1934

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列的大部分由亨利·李,玛丽·杰克逊·李, and Henry Lee, Jr. 一些著名的李记者是阿尔伯特·加勒廷,约翰·C. Calhoun, Robert Y. 海恩,艾伯特·劳伦斯,小查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯., John A. Andrew, E.L. 戈德金、乔治·弗里斯比·霍尔、弗朗西丝·安妮·肯布尔和亨利·卡伯特·洛奇.

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Lizzie Cabot和Lizzie H. Howland. Subjects include poems, religious 箴言,亨利·李的财产记录,迦勒·戴维斯家族的家谱 Jones families.

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Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., Fanny Kemble, John A. Lowell, Emily Russell, George C. Shattuck, and Henry Lee. 其中还包括一封范妮·塞尔写给安·布罗姆菲尔德的信 concerning Madame de Stael. Subjects include the wardrobe of Fanny Kemble; the recantation Benjamin Towne是费城的一位出版商,他曾为英国人印刷过一段时间 the Revolutionary War; and the genealogies of the Shattuck and Winthrop families.

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包括契约,遗嘱,和其他法律文件有关埃德蒙·李,托马斯 亨格福德,伊丽莎和约翰·格里芬,还有约翰·李. 还包括李氏家族的画像 coat of arms.

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包括约瑟夫·李,亨利·李,托马斯·李, Woodis Lee, and Samuel Scarlett. 还包含塞缪尔法官的书籍目录 Sewall.

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包括契约,遗嘱,和其他法律文件约瑟夫·李,以色列Rumblemash别名 波哈蒙,约瑟夫·怀特,约翰·卡伯特和托马斯·李.

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记者包括威廉·博兰,约瑟夫·李,亨利和托马斯·布罗姆菲尔德. 科目包括有关糖和糖蜜贸易的议会法律和 reinsurance. 还包括蒂莫西·奥恩、埃德蒙·奥恩的契约、遗嘱和其他法律文件 昆西,约瑟夫·卡伯特和伊丽莎白·卡伯特,还有一份教会执事名单 Christ, Concord, Mass., ca. 1670-1790.

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安德鲁·纽维尔和亨利·克劳奇的通信. 主题包括轰炸 波士顿,1776年3月,“强制朝圣”的州长托马斯·哈钦森,和 shipping trade of Joseph Lee & Co. 约瑟夫的契约、遗嘱和其他法律文件 李,伊丽莎白·卡伯特和乔治·加德纳,以及批准上级的王室文件 马萨诸塞州湾殖民地法院,2月17日. 1773.

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Correspondence from John A. Lowell and Benjamin Lincoln. Subjects include the choice of 乔纳森·杰克逊作为国会代表,1782年,美国进出口. Various 乔治·卡伯特、约瑟夫·李和威廉·科尔曼的法律文件和商业账户.

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Jan.-May 1784

查尔斯·贾维斯和乔纳森·杰克逊的通信. Subjects include commercial and 英国和美国之间的政治关系.

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June-Aug. 1784

乔纳森·杰克逊的信件. 主题包括商业和政治问题 Great Britain. 还包括托马斯·李的银行证明.

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乔纳森·杰克逊、伊莱亚斯·史密斯、鲁弗斯·金和托马斯·罗素的来信. 主题包括法国和西班牙与美国的贸易,托马斯·杰斐逊的 与法国就烟草贸易进行的谈判,以及《十大正规网赌网址》的弱点 商业和金融事务联合会.

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Jan.-June 1787

包括约瑟夫·李的账单、发票和收据 & Co., Lee & Cabot, and Jackson & 还有给禁闭室的送货单 Betsy.

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July-Aug. 1787

包括账单、发票、货物清单和收据 & Cabot and Jackson & Higginson.

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Sep.-Dec. 1787

记者包括罗伯特和理查德·默瑟,约翰·伯克和乔纳森·休厄尔. 主题包括航行和交易 Betsy and the schooner Volant. 被放逐的英国人休厄尔的信 loyalist, 21 Sep. 1787年,讨论约翰·亚当斯和新斯科舍的生活.

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记者包括John Burke和John A. Lowell. Subjects include the wreck of the Betsy off Jamaica. 货物清单,损失清单和一份 打捞和出售货物清单 Betsy, and the will of Patrick Tracy.

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记者包括Richard Clarke, Andrew Cabot, John A. Lowell, and Mary Jackson. 主题包括伊丽莎白·卡伯特的财产以及她从疾病中恢复的过程 乔治国王和他重新掌权.

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乔纳森·杰克逊和托拜厄斯·李尔的通信. Subjects include the taking of the 在乔纳森·杰克逊元帅的指导下进行的人口普查.

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Correspondence from John A. 洛厄尔,玛丽·杰克逊和约翰·昆西·亚当斯. Subjects covered 4月25日亚当斯给约翰·加德纳的信. 1796年,是英国的生活和政治 以及美国联邦党的政治前景.

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乔纳森·杰克逊、伊丽莎白·C. 洛厄尔,玛丽·杰克逊和帕特里克·特雷西 Jackson. 李约瑟的遗嘱及财产清单.

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Henry Lee, Elizabeth C. 洛厄尔,玛丽·杰克逊和乔纳森·杰克逊. 主题包括亨利·李的心脏疾病和波士顿的社会生活.

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玛丽·杰克逊、安布罗斯·克拉克和托马斯·汉德赛德·珀金斯的来信. Subjects 包括波士顿社会事务和联邦党人政治. 珀金斯给伍德伯里·斯托弗的信, 26 Apr. 1808年,讨论马萨诸塞州参议院投票和联邦党人立法 strength.

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理查德·克兰奇、约翰·亚当斯、亨利·李和约翰·布罗姆菲尔德的来信. Subjects 包括昆西家族的家谱,以及英美之间的政治困境, 拿破仑在欧洲的失败及其对国际贸易的影响. Also discussed are the China and India trades.

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约翰·布罗姆菲尔德和托马斯·李的来信. 主题包括乔纳森之死 杰克逊,棉花,丝绸和中国贸易.

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约翰·布罗姆菲尔德,托马斯·李,E.A. Newton, and Henry Higginson. Subjects 包括印度贸易和拉丁美洲贸易. 还包括商业账户和 agreements of Joseph Lee, Jr., Henry Lee, and Henry Higginson.

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Jan.-May 1812

詹姆斯·劳埃德、亨利·李、塞缪尔·约克和詹姆斯·肖特的来信. Subjects 包括阿尔伯特·加拉廷和美国政府的商业政策,前景 与英国的战争,商业萧条,与印度的贸易.

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June-Sep. 1812

Correspondence from Henry Lee. 主题包括生活和贸易在加尔各答和照顾 the first Lee child. Lee wrote from the brig Reaper, upon which he served as supercargo.

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Oct.-Dec. 1812

亨利·李和詹姆斯·劳埃德的通信. 主题包括照顾玛丽·卡伯特·李 以及在英美敌对状态下的贸易前景. Invoices for items on the Reaper.

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亨利·李在加尔各答居住五年期间玛丽·杰克逊·李的日记. 主题包括李的家庭事务,波士顿的社会生活,玛丽的宗教反思 杰克逊·李,爱德华·埃弗雷特被任命为布拉特街教堂的牧师,以及 与英国的战争与和平的政治,正如波士顿所看到的.

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Jan.-Mar. 1813

亨利·李给玛丽·杰克逊·李的信件. 主题包括战争政策 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,沙皇亚历山大,拿破仑和欧洲的动乱,鸦片贸易,和生活 Calcutta.

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Apr.-July 1813

亨利·李给玛丽·杰克逊·李的信件. 主题包括李的商业计划, 拿破仑在俄国的战役,李对麦迪逊继续进行战争的绝望 以及英国传教士会在印度的活动.

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Aug.-Dec. 1813

亨利·李给玛丽·杰克逊·李的信件. 主题包括麦迪逊的政策 手机网赌软件排行榜贸易和欧洲的战争. Accounts of goods from the brig Reaper.

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亨利·李、帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊和克里斯托弗·戈尔的来信. Subjects 包括美国的对外贸易,俄国战争,以及拟议中的棉花税 新英格兰制造的其他商品.

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玛丽·杰克逊·李给亨利·李的信件. Subjects include Lee business and Lowell family matters.

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亨利·李、亨利·希金森和理查德·克拉克·卡伯特的信件. Subjects include 李氏家族的事,中国贸易,印度贸易.

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Jan.-June 1819

Correspondence from William C. Gowen; William Rollins; Grant, Pillans & Co.; Reed, Bell & De Yongh; and Palmer, Wilson & Co. 主题包括印度片的销售 在里窝那、阿弗尔和汉堡的货物.

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July-Aug. 1819

Correspondence from Steiglitz & Co.; Reed, Bell & De Yongh; Solomon Towne; and Mary Jackson Lee. 主题包括东印度商品在St. Petersburg, 巴勒莫,阿姆斯特丹,里窝那,还有李家的事.

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Sep.-Dec. 1819

Correspondence from Grant, Pillans & Co.; Reed, Bell & De Yongh; Palmer, Wilson & Co.; Steiglitz & Co.; and Mary Jackson Lee. 主题包括东印度贸易 in Leghorn, Havana, St. 彼得堡,士麦那,还有李家的事.

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亨利·李和玛丽·杰克逊·李的通信. 主题包括东印度贸易 李和洛厄尔的家庭,还有教会的事. 美国之间短暂的贸易历史 1783年至1820年,由亨利·李为一个研究税率的委员会编写.

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玛丽·杰克逊·李、詹姆斯·杰克逊和亨利·李的信件. Subjects include the 李的孩子,波士顿的社交生活,和靛蓝的销售.

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亨利·李和约瑟夫·威拉德的通信. 主题包括李氏家族和法律 matters. 托马斯·李的保险单协议.

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亨利·李和约瑟夫·威拉德的通信. 主题包括李农场的出售 以及亨利·李的《十大正规网赌网址》,这是一篇手机网赌软件排行榜收费贸易的论述,同时也是对美国的抨击 protectionist "American System."这是本杰明·沃特豪斯写给约翰的一封信的片段 昆西·亚当斯,1827年5月9日,讨论1787年乔纳森·休厄尔的信(盒子1,文件夹) 15).

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George McDuffie, William Huskisson, Henry Lee, William C. Preston, and Mary Jackson Lee. 主题包括“波士顿报告”,年轻的托马斯·图诺·福布斯作为代理人 for Perkins & 儿子们在中国和波士顿的社交生活.

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亨利·李、玛丽·杰克逊·李、乔治·麦克杜菲和克莱门特·C. Biddle. 主题包括李的家庭事务和波士顿的社会生活. Biddle letter to McDuffie, 10 《十大正规网赌网址》是手机网赌软件排行榜政府支出和政治经济的长篇讨论. 托马斯·李的财产清单.

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亨利。李、罗伯特。Y. Hayne, Condy Raguet, Clement C. Biddle, Theodore Sedgwick, and Albert Gallatin. 主题包括1831年的自由贸易公约 出版了一份自由贸易杂志,并向国会提交了一份手机网赌软件排行榜关税的备忘录 Gallatin和Lee提供的统计数据.

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Correspondence from Robert Y. 海恩,西奥多·塞奇威克,小亨利·李., Mary Jackson Lee, D.G. Ingraham, William P. Preble, and Abbott Lawrence. Subjects include the continuing 关税之争,1830年安特卫普轰炸中被毁船只的赔偿,以及亨利 Lee, Jr., at Harvard.

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Correspondence from Clement C. Biddle, John C. 卡尔霍恩,玛丽·杰克逊·李和玛丽·C. Higginson. 主体包括反关税运动、反关税流通 Examiner, and Henry Lee, Jr., at Harvard. Harvard term bills and other documents.

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玛丽·杰克逊·李,J.W. Tudor Gardiner, and Susan C. Jackson. Subjects 包括李和杰克逊的家庭事务以及小亨利·李., at Harvard. Will of Thomas Lee and Harvard documents.

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玛丽·杰克逊·李,威廉·C. 拉塞尔,帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊,乔治 Bemis, and F. Octavius Prince. 主题包括小亨利·李的困难., at Harvard, 哈佛的教学方法,以及李的家庭事务.

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乔治·贝米斯,亨利·李,威廉·C. Aylwin, Mary Jackson Lee, and William N. Habersham. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr., at Harvard, the principles of 商业伙伴,阿莫斯基格公司.李和洛厄尔的家庭问题.

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Jan.- July 1837

Correspondence from William N. Habersham, Henderson Inches, Jr., Henry Lee, Jr., S.J. Gardner, and S.G. Dana. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr., in the Lee countinghouse, the 哈伯夏姆斯与萨凡纳的社会生活,以及美国经济的恶化 conditions. 小亨利·李购买书籍的发票.以及卡尔霍恩的“货币”上的纸币 notions."

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Aug.-Dec. 1837

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr.沃尔多·希金森、小威廉·迈诺特., William N. Habersham, and James B. Higginson. 研究对象包括乔治亚州波士顿农村地区的道路调查 社会生活和丝绸市场的状态.

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亨利·李与小亨利·李的通信. 主题包括咖啡贸易 军校学员独立连队和小亨利·李.作为超级货物前往里约热内卢. Will of Henry Lee, Jr.

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Jan. 1839

乔治·贝米斯,玛丽·杰克逊·李,亨利·李,安娜·德怀特,玛丽 Higginson, Charles H. Parker, and Charles C. Paine. 主题包括波士顿的社会生活和 the coffee trade.

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Feb. 1839

Correspondence from Francis H. Jackson, Susan C. Jackson, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., and Henry Lee. 主题包括波士顿的社会生活(在帕潘提的集会),李的家庭 business, and the coffee trade.

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Mar.-Apr. 1839

威廉·迈诺特的来信.,亨利·李,玛丽·杰克逊·李,小亨利·李., and William S. Bullard. 主题包括士麦拿的生活,波士顿的社交生活,小亨利·李., in New Orleans, and Bullard & Lee business concerns. Bullard & Lee agreement, 3 Apr. 1839.

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May-Dec. 1839

小亨利·李的通信.,玛丽·杰克逊·李,沃尔多·希金森,威廉 Minot, Jr., and William N. Habersham. 主题包括布拉德号的细节 & Lee connection, Henry Lee, Jr., in St. 路易斯和辛辛那提,波士顿的社交生活,还有威廉 迈诺特对罗马和旅行的看法. Appointment of Henry Lee, Jr., to the Massachusetts militia.

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Jan.-Apr. 1840

Correspondence from William M. Gouge, William N. Habersham, Henry J. Bigelow, Henry Lee, William S. Bullard, Edward Austin, Clement C. Biddle, and Edward Everett. Subjects include 美国的银行和货币,亨利·李的退休,波士顿的社会生活,以及 description of Havana.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 2
May-July 1840

Correspondence from Francis H. Jackson, Henry Lee, Edward A. Tappan, George W. Phillips, and William N. Habersham. 主题包括选举和其他与选举有关的事项 马萨诸塞州民兵,亨利·李的退休,W.N. Habersham.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 3
Aug.-Dec. 1840

Correspondence from Edward A. Tappan, George W. Phillips, William N. Habersham, William M. Gouge, Mary Jackson Lee和Francis H. Jackson. 主题包括马萨诸塞民兵, 巴西皇帝唐·佩德罗二世,威廉·亨利·哈里森, 以及银行和货币的政治. Commission of Henry Lee, Jr., as lieutenant in the Massachusetts militia.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 4

玛丽·杰克逊·李,克莱门特·C. Biddle, Henry Lee, Jr., Francis Cunningham, and John T. Heard. 主题包括李氏家族财务,约翰·泰勒和 自由贸易和货币政治. 这艘帆船的一份期刊摘要 Ariel.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 5
Jan.-Apr. 1842

亨利·李,加德纳·豪兰德·肖,小亨利·李的信件., Mary Jackson Lee, Hannah L. Jackson, William Minot, Jr., William S. Bullard, and Francis Lowell Lee. Subjects 包括小亨利·李的欧洲之行.1842-1843年,他对纽约的描述,他的海洋 在航行中,他遇到了华盛顿·欧文 & Lee business, Lee family matters, and Boston social life. 对弗朗西斯·洛厄尔·李和其他通讯员的打字记录. 小亨利·李的欧洲游记., 1842-1843.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 6
May 1842

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., Mary Jackson Lee, Hannah L. Jackson, William S. 布拉德,帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊., and Charles H. Parker. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr., 在英国,他与华盛顿·欧文,布拉德 & Lee business, Lee family matters, and Boston social life. 家人提到的波士顿人的打字笔记 correspondence.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 7
June 1842

小亨利·李的通信., Francis L. Lee, Mary C. Higginson, Harriet J. Lee, and Richard Sullivan, Jr. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.'s impressions of Scotland, 哈佛大学的“牛津帽之争”,正如弗朗西斯·L. Lee, and Lee family matters. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 8
July 1842

Correspondence from William S. 布拉德,加德纳·豪兰德·肖,玛丽·杰克逊·李,弗朗西斯 L. Lee, Hannah L. Jackson, Richard Sullivan, Jr., and Charles H. Parker. Subjects include Bullard & 李的生意,李的家庭事务,哈佛和波士顿的社交生活. Typewritten notes on family correspondence.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 9
Aug. 1842

Correspondence from Hannah L. 杰克逊,玛丽·杰克逊·李,亨利·李,威廉·S. Bullard, Mary E. Dwight, Richard Sullivan, Jr., William Minot, Jr., and Henry Lee, Jr. Subjects 包括李的家庭事务,布拉德 & 李经商,波士顿社会政治生活 (埃弗雷特的演讲和狄更斯对美国的印象),泰勒,国会和关税, Henry Lee, Jr.他和亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗在马里恩伯格的会面,还有 water-cure on the Rhine. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 10
Sep. 1842

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr.、塞缪尔·安德鲁斯、小帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊., Mary Jackson Lee, Henry J. Bigelow, Samuel Parkman, Harriet J. Lee, and Francis Boyd. Subjects 包括李的家庭事务,波士顿的社会生活,马萨诸塞民兵,小亨利·李., 以及他对狄更斯对美国、丹尼尔·韦伯斯特和关税的看法. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 11
Oct. 1842

Mary Jackson Lee, Charles H. Parker, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., and Francis L. Lee. 主题包括马萨诸塞民兵,弗朗西斯. Lee at Harvard, Lee 家庭事务和波士顿的社交生活. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 12
Nov. 1842

Correspondence from Francis L. Lee, William S. Bullard, Henry Lee, Henry Lee, Jr., Charles A. Welch, Harriet J. Lee, and Thomas Lamb. 主题包括李氏家族事务,弗朗西斯·L. Lee at Harvard, Henry Lee, Jr., in Paris, Bullard & Lee business, Boston social life, 感恩节和新英格兰有关美国的委员会会议 navigation. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 4Box 4Folder 13
Dec. 1842

Correspondence from Francis L. Lee, Mary Jackson Lee, John C. Lee, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., Joseph Lee, and Henry Lee, Jr. 主题包括波士顿的社会生活(布道) 爱德华·埃弗雷特·黑尔,小亨利·李., in Europe. Letter from Joseph Lee, 30 Dec. 1842, reprimands Henry Lee, Jr., for reckless behavior in Europe. Statement of Bullard & Lee 弗莱彻的利息账户 & Co. 欧洲最好的旅游景点 hotels, purchases, etc.) of Henry Lee, Jr. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 1
1-20 Jan. 1843

Correspondence from William S. Bullard, Richard Sullivan, Jr., Mary Jackson Lee, Harriet J. Lee, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., Clement C. Biddle, and Charles H. Parker. Subjects 包括李的家庭事务,波士顿的社交生活,布拉德 & Lee business and the state of 商业市场,国家债务,以及马库斯·莫顿统治下的马萨诸塞州 Democratic party. 打字的通信笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 2
20-30 Jan. 1843

Correspondence from Francis L. Lee, Thomas W. Ward, and Mary Jackson Lee. Subjects include 李氏家族事务,波士顿社会生活,美国货币,以及民主党控制 Massachusetts. 打字的通信笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 3
Feb. 1843

玛丽·杰克逊·李,汉娜·L. Jackson, Francis L. Lee, Gardner Howland Shaw, and William S. Bullard. 主题包括李的家庭事务,波士顿的社会生活,和 Bullard & Lee commercial matters.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 4
Mar. 1843

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., Francis H. Jackson, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., Hannah L. 杰克逊、亨利·李、玛丽·杰克逊·李和弗朗西斯·L. Lee. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.在巴黎,李的生意有问题,还有李和杰克逊的家庭事务(婚姻) Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr.). 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 5
Apr. 1843

Correspondence from William S. Bullard, Henry Lee, Jr.,亨利李,内森黑尔,克莱门特C. Biddle, and Mary Jackson Lee. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr., in Genoa, free trade and 金融,棉花市场,以及亨利·李的《手机网赌软件排行榜》 Massachusetts."

Reel 5Box 5Folder 6
May 1843

Correspondence from William M. Gouge, Richard Sullivan, Jr., Henry Lee, Jr., Francis L. Lee, Mary Jackson Lee, Hannah L. Jackson, and Harriet J. Lee. Subjects include Henry Lee 有关经济问题的文章,以及拟写的自传《十大正规网赌网址》., at Naples and 庞贝,李的家庭事务,以及波士顿的社会生活. Typewritten notes on family correspondence.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 7
June 1843

玛丽·杰克逊·李、弗朗西斯·L. Lee, and Harriet J. Lee. Subjects include 李的家庭事务、波士顿的社交生活以及约翰·泰勒总统对波士顿的访问. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 8
July 1843

Correspondence from Francis L. Lee, William S. Bullard, Henry Lee, Jr., William M. Gouge, Harriet J. 李,玛丽·杰克逊·李,亨利·李. 主题包括哈佛大学的毕业日 棉花和咖啡贸易商小亨利·李.在意大利,他负责银行和政府财政 家庭事务和波士顿的社交生活. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 9
Aug. 1843

Correspondence from Francis L. Lee, Henry Lee, Henry Lee, Jr., George Bemis, Hannah L. Jackson, S.B. Russell, and Mary Jackson Lee. 主题包括李的家庭事务,波士顿 社会生活,李的生意,铁路股票,以及亨利·李对约翰的看法 Tyler.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 10
Sep. 1843

Correspondence from William M. Gouge, Mary Jackson Lee, William Minot Jr., Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., S.B. Russell, Harriet J. Lee, and Henry Lee. Subjects include Henry Lee 财经文章、李氏家族事务、波士顿社交生活(Mrs. Fanny Appleton Longfellow), 李的商业关注,制造业繁荣,铁路活动,国家政治,以及 Francis L. Lee in Canada. 家庭信件的打字笔记.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 11
Oct.-Dec. 1843

Correspondence from Hannah L. Jackson, Harriet J. Lee, Mary Jackson Lee, Francis L. Lee, William S. 布拉德,帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊., Francis H. Jackson, William M. Gouge, Langdon Cheves, and Charles H. Parker. 主题包括李的家庭事务,波士顿社会 life, Bullard & 亨利·李的商业,亨利·李手机网赌软件排行榜银行和关税的出版物 小亨利·李从欧洲归来., and the Swedenborgian Church.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 12
Jan.-July 1844

Correspondence from William M. Gouge, Clement C. Biddle, Nathan Hale, William S. Bullard, Stephen H. 布拉德,玛丽·杰克逊·李,小理查德·沙利文., J. Elliot Cabot, and William Minot, Jr. 主题包括斯蒂芬·布拉德作为布拉德的合伙人 & 李氏,棉花和丝绸贸易,关税和货币,李氏家族事务,还有 illness of Lizzie Cabot. 威廉公司合伙章程. Bullard, Henry Lee, Jr., and Stephen H. Bullard.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 13
Aug.-Dec. 1844

Correspondence from Francis L. Lee, Mary Jackson Lee, William N. Habersham, Francis H. Jackson, Mary E. Dwight, William S. Bullard, Henry A.S. Dearborn, and Henry Lee, Jr. Subjects include Francis L. 李作为超级货主前往里约热内卢,李和卡伯特一家 matters, William S. 加尔各答的布拉德和李家的家谱.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 14
Jan.-Sep. 1845

Correspondence from William S. Bullard, Henry Lee, Jr., Henry Lee, Francis L. Lee, and Thomas Thornely. Subjects include Francis L. Lee in Calcutta; William S. Bullard in Alexandria, Rome, and London; the Lee family arms; and the distribution of Henry Lee's 罗伯特·皮尔,威廉·E. 格莱斯顿和其他英国政治人物. Henry Lee to Gladstone, 29 Apr. 1845.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 15
Oct. 1845-1846

Correspondence from William S. Bullard, Francis L. Lee, Gordon Dexter, Henry Lee, Jr., 亨利·李,玛丽·杰克逊·李和斯蒂芬·H. Bullard. 主题包括亨利的婚姻 Lee, Jr.和莉齐·卡伯特,他们的第一个孩子伊丽莎白·李的出生,李家族的股票 transactions, and Stephen H. Bullard in Calcutta.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 16

玛丽·杰克逊·李,威廉·H. Robinson, Stephen H. Bullard, and Francis L. Lee. 主题包括李的家庭事务,布拉德 & Lee business in Calcutta, and Francis L. Lee in Westport, N.Y. 基佐手机网赌软件排行榜政治代表的讨论副本 and his constituents from Journal des Debats with notes by Henry Lee.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 17

Josiah Sturgis, Stephen H. 布拉德,玛丽·杰克逊·李,小亨利·李., and Amos A. Lawrence. 主题包括美国国旗,李家家谱,战争 of Francis L. 李,州街人行道改造,州改造学校,还有 Presidential politics. 卡尔霍恩演讲的剪报,附亨利·李的注释. Henry Lee accounts with Lee & Higginson.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 18

Correspondence from Thomas H. Shreve, Stephen H. Bullard, Eliza S. Quincy, and Mary Jackson Lee. 主题包括解放被奴役人民的运动 Kentucky, Bullard & 李的生意,路易·拿破仑和欧洲政治,李和卡伯特 家族事务以及亨利·李三世的出生. Lee & Higginson accounts and Henry Lee's list of expenses for 1849.

Reel 5Box 5Folder 19

Correspondence from Stephen H. Bullard, Henry Lee, Henry Lee, Jr., and William S. Bullard. 主题包括李氏家族股票和房地产,布拉德 & Lee business, European 政治和罗伯特·皮尔爵士之死. Lee & Higginson accounts and the Cabot genealogy.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 1
Jan.-May 1851

Correspondence from Stephen H. Bullard, William S. 布拉德,亨利·李,塞缪尔·艾略特,还有 George Derby. Subjects include Bullard & Lee business, William S. Bullard in Europe, Lee 家庭财务,希尔堡的慈善学校,以及拟议中的波士顿音乐厅.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 2
June-Oct. 1851

塞缪尔·艾略特的来信. Bullard, James J. Higginson, Samuel Cabot, Stephen H. Bullard, and Clement C. Biddle. 主题包括塞缪尔·艾略特的学校 波士顿剧院的管理,迪克斯韦尔学校,李和卡伯特家族事务,威廉S. Bullard in Europe, Bullard & 李的商业,和政治经济.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 3
Nov.-Dec. 1851

Correspondence from Stephen H. Bullard, Clement C. Biddle, and Richard C. Lewis. Subjects include Bullard & 李氏商业、政治经济和李氏家族财务. List of 波士顿剧院的股东和亨利·李的账户 & Higginson.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 4
Jan.-Apr. 1852

亨利·李,威廉·E. Mayhew, Stephen H. Bullard, J.G. Dudley, and William S. Bullard. 主题包括马里兰州和美国的制造业 家族财产,股票交易和布拉德 & Lee business. Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 5
May-Sep. 1852

小亨利·李的通信., Harrison Ritchie, Nathaniel I. Bowditch, William S. Bullard, and Hector C. Ames. 主题包括哈里森·格雷·奥蒂斯的拍卖 以及布拉德-李合伙关系的解散.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 6
Oct.-Dec. 1852

Correspondence from J. 英格索尔·鲍迪奇,亨利·李,玛丽·杰克逊·李. Subjects 包括奥蒂斯的财产,小亨利·李.在英国,李的家庭事务,波士顿的社交生活, 商业担忧和货币市场. Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 7
Jan.-Mar. 1853

亨利·李,玛丽·杰克逊·李,J. Elliot Cabot, J. Ingersoll Bowditch, William S. Bullard, Stephen H. Bullard, and S.B. Russell. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr., 在英国,美国作为一个文明与大不列颠相比的地位 还有欧洲,富兰克林·皮尔斯,世界金融,奥的斯大厦,联合银行大楼和 其他房地产问题,李和卡伯特的家庭问题,以及波士顿的社交生活. Plan for the Boston Theatre. Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 8
Apr.-Aug. 1853

玛丽·杰克逊·李和H.G. Somerby. Subjects include Lee family 波士顿的社会生活和李家的家谱. Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 9
Sep.-Dec. 1853

玛丽·杰克逊·李,J. 艾略特·卡伯特、亨利·李和小亨利·李. 题材包括波士顿剧院、李氏家族事务、波士顿社会生活、波士顿现实 地产、商业债务和英国政治. Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 10

托马斯·巴里、玛丽·杰克逊·李和小亨利·李的信件. Subjects include 波士顿剧院和李氏家族的财务状况. 航海图和外国航海图 主要商业州的商业." Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 11

小亨利·李的通信., and Louisa Waterhouse. Subjects include Lee 家庭财务,波士顿剧院,还有棉花市场. Lee & Higginson accounts and 波士顿剧院的商业报表. 里面有路易莎·沃特豪斯写给贺拉斯的信 Mann, 27 Dec. 1856年,向安提阿学院捐赠书籍.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 12
Jan.-July 1857

贺瑞斯·曼,小威廉·迈诺特的信件., William E. Mayhew, Fanny Kemble, Henry Lee, Jr., William Amory, Susan C. Jackson, and Amelia L. Holmes. Subjects include 安提阿学院,李家的经济状况,还有波士顿剧院. Deed to property at 7 Bedford Place and Lee & Higginson accounts.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 13
Aug.-Dec. 1857

罗伯特·西尔斯、玛丽·杰克逊·李、亨利·李、小亨利·李的信件., Charles G. Loring, and Fanny Kemble. 主题包括解放奴隶,波士顿 剧院,李家的事,汉普顿米尔斯的财政问题. Financial statements of the Boston Theatre.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 14

范妮·肯布尔、约瑟夫·伦纳德、小帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊的来信., Mary Jackson Lee, George S. Lyman, and Arthur T. Lyman. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.'s investments, 波士顿剧院,还有李家的事. 有关波士顿号财务的文件 Theatre corporation.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 15

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., Daniel Appleton, Jr., and Francis Larcom. Subjects 包括李的财务和波士顿剧院. 波士顿剧院的财务文件.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 16
Jan.-June 1860

Correspondence from Lucia M. 皮博迪,约翰·奥伯,弗朗西斯·拉科姆,W.A. Sale, Mary E. Parkman, D.G. Ingraham, and S.A. Ripley. 科目包括房地产,学校教育 贝茜·李,负责李家花园和贝弗利农场财产的维护,波士顿剧院, and the death of Mary Jackson Lee. 波士顿剧院的财务文件.

Reel 6Box 6Folder 17
July-Dec. 1860

Correspondence from E.S. Dixwell, Lois L. Capen, Henry Lee, Jr., Henry Lee, David Larcom, Francis Larcom, Edward D. 索希尔,加德纳·豪兰·肖,和大卫·西尔斯. Subjects include 亨利·李三世的教育,亨利·李对玛丽·杰克逊·李的纪念,维护 李的财产,纽卡斯尔公爵和英美关系,解放,以及 强迫劳动和自由劳动的生产率. 波士顿剧院的财务文件.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 1
Jan.-15 May 1861

Correspondence from Richard B. Hall, Nathan Matthews, D.G. Ingraham, Adam Knox, Richard Borden, A.B. Ely, John Murray Forbes, Wm. Logan Rodman, John H. Reid, and Francis Larcom. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.,担任州长约翰. Andrew, Massachusetts 准备战争(购买食物、衣服和武器),以及维持李的生活 family property. 给安德鲁的手机网赌软件排行榜军事人员的信. Quotations from the London Spectator 内战和美国政治.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 2
16-29 May 1861

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr.伯纳德·奥凯恩,乔治·温斯洛,弗朗西斯·拉科姆,W.F. Chapple, George Devereux, Joseph F. Paul, J.T. 菲尔兹、查尔斯·萨姆纳和查尔斯·H. Dalton. 主题包括马萨诸塞州的求职者、食物、设备和交通 士兵,部队训练条件,以及李的财产维护. Letter from Charles Sumner to Henry Lee, Jr.1861年5月25日,他通知李,团的任命 外科医生是州长的职责. 与采购有关的图表和其他文件 food, clothing, etc., for troops.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 3
June 1861

Correspondence from Thomas H. Webb, Charles Devereux, Charles R. Lowell, Jr., F.B. Crowninshield, William S. Rosecrans, J. 艾略特·卡伯特,约翰·戈拉姆·帕尔弗雷和弗莱彻 Webster. 主题包括救济活动,恩菲尔德步枪的购买,军事 委员会、部队训练条件和李氏家族事务. Statement of receipts and payments of the Boston Theatre.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 4
July-Aug. 1861

Correspondence from J. Elliot Cabot, Edward D. Sohier, William S. Tilton, Charles E. Fuller, D.N. Couch, Joseph Ricketson, J.G. Abbott, and Charles H. Dalton. Subjects include 李家族的财务,军事委员会,自由追求者,还有乔治·麦克莱伦将军和 the Army of the Potomac. 马萨诸塞州志愿军的命令出现在阿默斯特 Harvard commencements.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 5
Sep.-10 Oct. 1861

Joseph Ricketson, Henry Lee Higginson, Amos A. Lawrence, Frank E. Howe, James F. Miller, J.R. Salla, W.W. Bullock, E.C. Dutton, and H.P. Curtis. Subjects 包括军事委员会(亨利·李·希金森),征兵,军事训练,以及 军事表演和军乐作为激发人民爱国主义的手段. Recruiting service documents.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 6
12-31 Oct. 1861

Correspondence from Amelia L. Holmes, Stephen B. Ives, Jr., John Ober, A.G. Browne, Jr., Schuyler Hamilton, Henry Lee, Jr., and Francis W. Palfrey. Subjects include the visit of Henry Lee, Jr.波托马克河军团第15团和第20团,招募 委员会,并要求提供行动中失踪士兵的信息. Advertising bills 给军需官办公室和第15团的军官名单.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 7
1-15 Nov. 1861

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., A.B. Ely, Charles H. Dalton, John A. Andrew, W.D. 希尔斯比,约翰·默里·福布斯,贺拉斯·B. 萨金特,哈里森·里奇和查尔斯·E. Griswold. 主题包括John A. Andrew and Benjamin F. Butler over recruiting 委任军官,小亨利·李.和亚伯拉罕·林肯的会面,还有麻烦 手机网赌软件排行榜马萨诸塞志愿骑兵军官的选举.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 8
15-27 Nov. 1861

帕特里克·特蕾西·杰克逊的来信., Henry Lee, Jr., Francis Larcom, Lawrence P. Barrett, and Joseph F. Paul. 科目包括委员会,各种军事事项下 安德鲁总督的管辖范围,房地产和李的财产. List of the 20th 一个团负伤失踪(1861年11月.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 9
2-15 Dec. 1861

Correspondence from Joseph F. Paul, Henry Lee, Jr., F.O. Prince, D.N. Couch, John A. Andrew, E.D. Townsend, Charles R. Lowell, Jr., and Charles H. Dalton. Subjects include the 安德鲁-巴特勒之争,联邦在边境的交战,以及 Barque Aura 为波托马克军团提供补给. Includes 给亚伯拉罕·林肯,乔治·B. McClellan, and Benjamin F. Butler.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 10
17-29 Dec. 1861

Correspondence from Benjamin S. 普莱斯,怀尔德·德怀特,小亨利·李., Thomas J.G. Amory, 乔治·希金森,沃尔多·希金森和F.O. Prince. 主题包括军事任命, 选举和晋升,以及马萨诸塞州的海岸防御工事. Form for a regiment camp 波士顿剧院和小亨利·李的财务报表.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 11
Jan.-Feb. 1862

Correspondence from D.N. 库奇,丹尼尔·奥基,怀尔德·德怀特,理查德·B. Hall, Henry Wilson, Fletcher Webster, E.D. 汤森,埃默里·沃什伯恩,小亨利·李., A.G. Browne, Jr., George G. Stoddard, and John E. Lodge. 主题包括军官的行为, 军事任命和晋升,囚犯交换,安德鲁-巴特勒之争,亨利 Lee, Jr.'s dispute with A.G. Browne, Jr.辞职信,波士顿剧院的债务, 以及媒体对安德鲁州长的态度.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 12
Mar.-Apr. 1862

Correspondence from Lizzie M. 道斯,查尔斯·霍华德,斯蒂芬·卡伯特,威廉·S. Clark, Richard H. Dana, Jr., Henry Lee, Jr., A.H. Fiske, George N. Faxon, William P. Mason, Jr., and H.M. Aborn. 主题包括工作晋升和军事调动,补给,战争 North Carolina, and Henry Lee, Jr.他辞去了波士顿剧院财务主管的职务. 与波士顿剧院运营有关的文件.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 13
May-June 1862

Correspondence from Robert B. 福布斯,威廉·蒙蒂思,斯蒂芬·卡伯特,D.N. Couch, James J. Dana, Henry Lee, Jr., W.D. Russell, James F. Miller, Edward C. Cabot, S.W. Oakey, James Savage, and Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 题材包括各种军事题材、李氏家族 还有李和温斯洛普家的家谱.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 14
July 1862

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr.约翰·默里·福布斯,加德纳·豪兰德·肖,J.L. Ainsworth, J.A. Higginson, William R. Ware, James J. Dana, W.T. Hunter, Edward Jackson, 威廉·罗德曼,埃德温·黑尔·阿博特,约翰·L. Fox., C.R. Lowell, Jr., Sidney A. Stetson, 亨利·李·希金森和小约翰·杰弗里斯. 主题包括各种军事问题 (晋升和招募),联邦军队的逆转,以及李家的家谱.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 15
1-11 Aug. 1862

小约翰·杰弗里斯的信件., A.P. 卡拉赫,威廉·罗德曼,詹姆斯·J. Dana, Wilder Dwight, J.C. Taber, Amos A. Lawrence, P.S. Davis, Charles J. Mills, and Henry W. Halleck. 主题包括军事任命、委任、晋升和 recruiting.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 16
15-27 Aug. 1862

埃默里·沃什伯恩、奥利弗·爱德华兹、威廉·洛根·罗德曼、阿莫斯·A. 劳伦斯,丹尼尔·奥基,乔治·惠特莫尔,本杰明·F. Kendall, Stephen H. Phillips, James M. Nichols, Follen Cabot, and W.J. Loring. 主题包括军事任命, 委任、解雇和晋升.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 17
Sep.-Oct. 1862

Correspondence from Benjamin. F. Kendall, James Oakes, Henry B. Metcalf, Fisher & Co., William Steffen, George L. Andrews, S.W. Oakey, George W. Pearson, T.C.A. Dexter, George S. Greene, Addison Farnsworth, R.C. Greenleaf, and Henry Lee, Jr. Subjects include military 任命,委任,解雇和晋升,战术备忘录,投诉 手机网赌软件排行榜政府在物资供应和部队营地方面的拖延,弗朗西斯. Lee as a soldier, and Henry Lee, Jr., in Washington and North Carolina.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 18
Nov. 1862

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., Henry Briggs. Leverett Saltonstall, J.B. Thayer, James J. Higginson, George W. Kuhn, H.B. Sargent, and Charles W. Eliot. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.他和他哥哥的团驻扎在纽约州的新伯尔尼.C.对北卡罗来纳州的描述, 各种军事问题,以及与莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔赌一千支雪茄的政治赌注.

Reel 7Box 7Folder 19
Dec. 1862

Correspondence from S.W. Oakey, William Baker, Jr., James C. Mulligan, Stephen Cabot, 亨利·李·希金森和约翰·昆西·亚当斯. 科目包括军事委员会和 晋升和波士顿港防御. 福斯特将军和 波士顿港要塞的状况.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 1
Jan.-May 1863

Correspondence from J.B. Fox, Thomas J. Lee, Stephen Cabot, Amos A. Lawrence, J. Ingersoll Bowditch, Charles Peirson, C.R. Lowell, Jr., D.N. Couch, Reverdy Johnson, Jr., Harrison Ritchie, John A. Andrew, A.G. Browne, Jr., and Henry Lee, Jr. Subjects include military 佣金和晋升,部队在战场的状况,装备,接管 of the United States Insurance Co.并在副官办公室设立了一个办公室 办公室处理与“有色人种部队”有关的一切事务." List of commissions in the Massachusetts Volunteers, 3 Jan. 1863.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 2
June-July 1863

Correspondence from R.C. Greenleaf, Joseph S. Cabot, and Charles E. Griswold. Subjects 包括马萨诸塞的各种军事事件和卡伯特家谱.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 3
Aug.-Sep. 1863

Correspondence from John A. Andrew, C.R. Codman, C.R. Lowell, Jr., Amos A. Lawrence, and Henry Lee, Jr. 主题包括为波士顿组建一支强大的民兵部队,保卫 波士顿和新英格兰,佣金和晋升,以及小亨利·李.'s feelings about the 战争和英国的角色,李对范妮·肯布尔说. 1863.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 4
Oct.-Dec. 1863

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr., William Endicott, Jr., Fanny Kemble, James J. Higginson, Albert R. Howe, Edward C. Cabot, and John A. Andrew. Subjects include the command “有色人种”军队,南北战争和英国,以及詹姆斯·J. Higginson as a prisoner of war.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 5

Draft Riot. Stephen Cabot, Henry Lee, Jr .的信件., Thomas J. Little, William Ray, L.B. Whiton, and Caleb E. Niebuhr. 主题包括斯蒂芬·卡伯特少校的行为 在1863年的暴动中保卫库珀街军械库.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 6
Jan.-Feb. 1864

Correspondence from Henry Lee, Jr. 主题包括部队检阅、接待和其他 ceremonial functions.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 7
Mar.-Apr. 1864

来自安娜·洛林,贺拉斯·C. Lee, F.A. Osborn, and Frank W. Loring. Subjects 包括一名军官被指控殴打一名士兵和其他各种军人的案件 matters.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 8
May-Dec. 1864

Correspondence from A.G. Browne, Jr., John Quincy Adams, John A. Andrew, Henry Lee, Jr., Reverdy Johnson, Jr.,丹尼尔·奥基,爱德华·杰克逊,詹姆斯·J. Higginson, Robert C. Winthrop, and W.F. Oakey. 主题包括小亨利·李的辞职., as aide-de-camp, the 亨利·李的健康和财政状况,军事委员会和晋升,还有 丹尼尔·韦伯斯特(Daniel Webster)的微缩画像送给马萨诸塞州历史学会. Brief of a speech given by Henry Lee, Jr.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 9

Miscellany. 手机网赌软件排行榜安德鲁总督的说明和晋升官员的名单.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 10

Correspondence from H.I. 鲍迪奇,范妮·肯布尔,小亚历山大·汉密尔顿., Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., James Jackson, Henry Lee, Jr., Charles E. Guild, John Quincy Adams II, and Robert C. Winthrop. 主题包括亚伯拉罕·林肯之死,战后庆祝活动和 纪念活动,为波士顿建立亚历山大·汉密尔顿的雕像,废除强制教育 服兵役,马萨诸塞州民兵被立法机关削弱,以及 提议改建旧州议会大厦.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 11

西奥多·弗罗辛厄姆、乔治·G. Meade, George L. Andrews, C.B. Patten, Josephine S. Lowell, and W.M. Hunt. 主题包括死者的晋升 亨利·莱曼·彭定康和为总督的全身画像筹集的资金 Andrew. 安德鲁肖像基金的捐款名单.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 12

Henry Wheatland, E.L. 约翰·默里·福布斯,西奥多·莱曼,D.A. Goddard, W.M. Hunt, and James J. Higginson. Subjects include a Henry Lee, Jr., article on Benjamin F. Butler for the Nation, the Butler-Richard Henry 达纳竞选国会议员,纪念在内战中牺牲的哈佛人,还有 Hamilton statue.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 13

Correspondence from S.B. 罗素,威廉·李,小亨利·李., Waldo Higginson, Theodore Lyman, W.H. Whitmore, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 主题包括尤利西斯·S. Grant, 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生,李氏家谱,亨利·李三世之死,小亨利·李.'s obituary of Francis C. Lowell.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 14

Correspondence from W.W. Clapp, R.P. 哈洛威尔,威廉·李,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯,约翰 H. 克利福德,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇,阿莫斯·A. Lawrence, and Waldo Higginson. Subjects include the 法尼尔大厅抗议谢里丹将军清洗路易斯安那州立法机关 李氏家谱,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇对卡伯特家族的素描,以及亨利·李竞选 the General Court.

Reel 8Box 8Folder 15

Correspondence from William J. 戴尔,威廉·李,查尔斯·艾略特·诺顿,阿莫斯·A. Lawrence, 亨利·卡伯特·洛奇,沃尔多·希金森,J. Henry Lea, Alexander H. Rice, Owen Wister, Samuel Cabot, Jr.、约翰·默里·福布斯、亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗、范妮·肯布尔和小亨利·李. 主题包括女性工资,罗伯特·古尔德·肖纪念碑,卡伯特家族,李 家谱、政治任命、共和党筹款和政治改革运动 of 1876. Also included is Henry Lee, Jr.信的署名是“1848年的自由主义者”."

Reel 8Box 8Folder 16

来自Martin Brimmer, Owen J. Wister, Henry Cabot Lodge, John J. Babson, Charles Francis Adams, Jr.,范妮·肯布尔,伊丽莎·赖特,威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯,F.O. Prince, Waldo Higginson, Elizabeth O.P. 斯特吉斯,西奥多·莱曼,威廉·纽维尔,阿莫斯·A. Lawrence, Thomas B. Cary, and Henry Parkman. 主题包括政治腐败,小亨利·李.'s 立法活动,1877年,波士顿城市政治,圣公会和一神论历史,哈佛大学 活动、李家家谱、洛奇对乔治·卡伯特的研究,以及手机网赌软件排行榜范妮·肯布尔的文章 and Hannah Lowell Jackson.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 1

Correspondence from George G. Tarbell, J. Henry Lea, Ellen R. Richards, John Murray Forbes, D.A. 戈达德,托马斯·温特沃斯·希金森,E.L. Godkin, Charles A. Cummings, Frederick C. Shattuck, Edward W. 爱默生,约翰·菲斯克,沃尔多·希金森和欧文·J. Wister. 主题包括李氏家族和契弗家族的家谱、共和党的财政和战略 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的葬礼,约翰·提斯克的历史著作,公务员制度改革, and Massachusetts state politics.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 2

George Frisbie Hoar, James J. 希金森,理查德·奥尔尼,亚历山大 Agassiz, William Minot, Jr., Matthew Hale, Houghton Mifflin & Co., W.R. Bagnall, Waldo Higginson, J. Elliot Cabot, Charles E. French, and Fanny Kemble. Subjects include the 州长否决了合并联合金库的法案,小亨利·李.'s 反对授予巴特勒州长荣誉学位,巴特勒竞选波士顿市连任 政治和阿普尔顿家的家谱.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 3

Correspondence from James J. Higginson, George A. 布鲁斯,弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德,西奥多 Lyman, Charles P. Bowditch, Amos A. Lawrence, J. 莫里斯·梅雷迪思,詹姆斯·希利主教, Camillus G. Kidder, G.P. 金,莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔,威廉·G. Russell, and Waldo Higginson. 课程包括皮克林家族家谱,联邦土地开发 Avenue, James G. 布莱恩,格罗弗·克利夫兰,以及1884年的穆格甘普一家.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 4

Correspondence from E.L. Godkin, James J. Higginson, Lizzie C. Agassiz, Edward Wheelwright. Henry Lee, Jr., Henry Cabot Lodge, J. Randolph Coolidge, Jr., William Dean Howells, John H. 海伍德,勒·巴伦·罗素,托马斯·温特沃斯·希金森,查尔斯·R. Codman, 乔赛亚·昆西,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯,沃尔多·希金森和罗伯特·C. Winthrop. Subjects 包括哈佛大学的活动,印第安人权利协会,以及弗朗西斯·L. Lee.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 5

威廉·李、沃尔多·希金森、大卫·G·杰克逊的来信. Haskins, Francis H. Lee, Theodore Roosevelt, John Fiske, H.S. Russell, Fanny Kemble, and E.L. Godkin. Subjects 包括李氏家谱,李氏家族事务,以及为阿普尔顿出版社写的一篇手机网赌软件排行榜亨利·李的文章 Cyclopedia of American Biography. Theodore Roosevelt's letter to Henry Lee, Jr.,简要讨论了托马斯·哈特·本顿和美国西部 expansion, 10 Apr. 1887.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 6

Correspondence from Henry F. 沃特斯,威廉·罗奇·威斯特,小亨利·李., James J. 希金森,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯,查尔斯·H. Dalton, A.E. Pillsbury, 沃尔多·希金森、勒·巴伦·罗素、奥利弗·埃姆斯、乔治·弗里斯比·霍尔、莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔、 Hugh O'Brien, Owen J. Wister, John Gilbert和John Murray Forbes. Subjects include the 贝弗利分部,克里斯普斯·阿塔克斯纪念碑,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇和保护 关税,为格罗弗·克利夫兰筹款,波士顿公园委员会,以及给克利夫兰夫人的养老金. Philip Sheridan. Lodge to Henry Lee, Jr., 12 Apr. 1888.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 7

Correspondence from William R. 理查德,勒·巴伦·罗素,爱德华·威尔赖特,亨利·卡伯特 洛奇,爱德华·阿特金森,小亨利·李., John H. Heywood, Walter M. Leman, Fanny Kemble, Henry S. Grew, Edward T. Lowell, Henry W. Swift, John T. Morse, Jr., Martin Brimmer, and Waldo Higginson. Subjects include the Boston Post, “老波士顿”遗迹的保存,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇的华盛顿传记, 拉斐特和富兰克林的传记,休厄尔的书籍和信件,演员约翰的死 吉尔伯特和演员的技艺,以及州长候选人威廉. Russell.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 8

Henry Cabot Lodge, A.L. 巴尼特,布鲁克斯·亚当斯,小亨利·李., Thomas 温特沃斯·希金森,沃尔多·希金森,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯,查尔斯·F. McKim, Edwin M. Bacon, Arthur T. Lyman, John F. 安德鲁,范妮·肯布尔和约翰·昆西·亚当斯. Subjects 包括邮政局长的任命,波士顿的财政 Post参议员乔治. 关税和白银问题, 公务员制度改革和约翰·昆西·亚当斯的政治. Henry Lee, Jr., to George Frisbie Hoar, 16 May 1890.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 9

Correspondence from W.W. 克拉普、托马斯·温特沃斯·希金森、小帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊., Robert C. 温斯洛普,克莱顿科尔曼霍尔,沃尔多希金森,J. Henry Lea, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., George A. Torrey, Nathan Matthews, Jr., Henry Cabot Lodge, E.A. Grozier, Henry Lyman, George G. Tarbell, James J. Higginson, and Henry Lee, Jr. Subjects include the Lee, Higginson, Jackson, Colman, and Pemberton families; Henry Whitney and state and city politics; the development of Commonwealth Avenue; the engagement of Constance Lodge; the Boston Post; and Henry Lee, Jr.'s thoughts on a Massachusetts income tax.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 10

谢尔曼·霍尔,E.L. 戈德金,托马斯·温特沃斯·希金森,威廉 Everett, E.A. 格罗齐尔、亨利·卡伯特·洛奇、范妮·肯布尔、沃尔多·希金森、小亨利·李., Henry Davenport, Charles H. Taylor, E.H. Clement, Thomas N. Hart, and Nathan Matthews, Jr. 主题包括与智利的潜在战争,马弗里克银行案,马萨诸塞州 历史学会,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇手机网赌软件排行榜银币问题的演讲,联邦大道, 波士顿城市官员和党派政治,以及19世纪早期的回忆 Boston.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 11
Jan.-Apr. 1893

Correspondence from Joseph B. Warner, William Minot, Jr., James J. Higginson, Nathan Matthews, Jr., John W.T. Nichols, Harrison Ellery, Horace E. Scudder, W. Sturgis Bigelow, E.H. Clement, Edwin P. 霍伊特,西奥多·莱曼,约翰·特罗布里奇,塞缪尔·E. Turner, John Murray Forbes, D.G. Haskins, Ellis & Melledge, and J.B. Thayer. Subjects include Fanny Kemble, 查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯的《手机网赌软件排行榜》,马萨诸塞州 politics, and Henry Lee, Jr.他在剑桥买下了李法官的房子.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 12
May-Dec. 1893

Correspondence from Annis Lee Wister; H.E. Scudder, Lizzie C. Agassiz, William Minot, Jr., Henry Lane, Francis B. Leigh, J. Henry Lea, Henry Cabot Lodge, W.W. Goodwin, Harrison Ellery, Charles F. McKim, John W.T. Nichols, J. Watson Taylor, James J. Higginson, E.H. Clement, George B. Upham, and Samuel W. Whitman. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.'s Atlantic Monthly 手机网赌软件排行榜范妮·肯布尔的文章,李家的家谱,还有 剑桥的土地收购,乔纳森·杰克逊,波士顿剧院和拟议中的音乐厅, 以及波士顿交通委员会的成立.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 13

Correspondence from Charles F. McKim, George G. Tarbell, J. Henry Lea, Robert P. Rantoul, Nathan Matthews, Jr., John T. Morse, Jr., H.E. Scudder, E. Rockwood Hoar, Henry Cabot Lodge, Richard Olney, Ebenezer W. Stone, John W.T. Nichols, Lizzie C. Agassiz, Henry E. Warner, Edward S. Porter, George E. Ellis, William M. 麦金尼斯,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯和埃利斯 & Melledge. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.'s tribute to William Minot, Jr., the Lee 家谱、哈佛事务、李法官之家,以及拟议中的波士顿地铁.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 14

William Rotch Ware, Henry Lee, Jr .的信件., John W.T. Nichols, Curtis Guild, Jr., Ellis & Melledge, John J. Currier, E.H. Clement, James C. Carter, J. Henry Lea, Pen Hallowell, Robert Grant, Francis C. Lowell, Owen J. Wister, and George G. Tarbell. Subjects include Henry Lee, Jr.挽救州议会大厦的运动,关税和白银问题, 格罗弗·克利夫兰和亨利·卡伯特·洛奇,李法官之家,以及市长埃德温·U. Curtis. Henry Lee, Jr., to Lodge, 26 Mar. 1895.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 15

Correspondence from James J. Higginson, J. Henry Lea, Charles C. Smith, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Anna C. Granger, E.H. Clement, Pen Hallowell, Walter K. Watkins, Edward Wheelwright, Curtis Guild, Jr., and George G. Tarbell. 受试者包括李,特蕾西,和 Jackson genealogy; Jonathan Sewall letters; Governor Andrew and the Massachusetts Volunteers; Harvard affairs; and state and national politics.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 16

罗杰·沃尔科特,约翰·沃德·迪恩,W.K. Watkins, Richard Olney, Pen 哈洛韦尔,贝西·舍恩伯格·沃德,艾伦·卡伯特·托里,约翰·戴维斯·朗,乔治·林肯 Goodale, Charles H. 帕克,伊迪丝·爱默生·福布斯,小亨利·李., and S.F. Hughes. Subjects 包括李和卡伯特的家谱,理查德·奥尔尼的晚宴,波士顿的社交生活, 哈佛,弥尔顿·希尔,小亨利·李.他的病情和他对西班牙裔美国人的看法 War.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 17

来自勒·巴伦·罗素,W.H. Whitmore, Lizzie C. Agassiz, Sarah N. 哈洛威尔,西奥多·莱曼,小威廉·迈诺特., Henry Cabot Lodge, Mary C. Olmsted, and Robert C. Winthrop. 主题包括李氏家谱,阿加西基金会,哈佛,亨利 Lee, Jr.对亨利·卡伯特·洛奇和弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德的批评.

Reel 9Box 9Folder 18

Correspondence from Worthington C. Ford, Clarence W. 鲍恩,阿尔伯特·马修斯,弗雷德里克·C. Shattuck, Elizabeth P. 沙塔克,玛丽·洛弗林·霍尔曼,查尔斯·E. Banks, and Emily F. Woodman. 研究对象包括迦勒·戴维斯,沙塔克家族的家谱,以及李寄给 马萨诸塞州历史学会和贝克图书馆,哈佛商学院.

B. Writings and genealogy, 1833-1898

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

这个子系列的大部分由小亨利·李的作品组成., including various 给编辑的手机网赌软件排行榜军事,政治,历史保护,回忆录和 同事和朋友的讣告,评论和演讲. Also included are some 亨利·李的著作,与马萨诸塞民兵和李家族有关的文件 genealogical material.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 1
John A. Andrew, 1865

Reminiscences of Governor John A. Andrew by Henry Lee, Jr.; program of Harvard 安德鲁在毕业典礼上获得了荣誉学位.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 2
John A. Andrew, undated

Various drafts of a Henry Lee, Jr.,素描和安德鲁州长的演讲.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 3
Beverly Improvement Society, 1889

Henry Lee, Jr.他为贝弗利改善协会(Beverly Improvement Society)写道.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 3
George P. Bradford, 1890-1892

乔治。P. 布拉德福德,包括两封信从J.B. Thayer to Henry Lee, Jr.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 4
William Francis Bartlett, 1878-1883

Three copies of a speech presenting the Harvard memorial bust of General Bartlett; minutes 巴特利特纪念委员会的会议记录.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 5
H.J. Bigelow, 19 Nov. 1890

Remarks of Henry Lee, Jr., on Dr. 波士顿医学进步协会的毕格罗教授. Includes notes of Henry Lee, Jr., and reprint of remarks in Boston Medical and Surgical Journal and a letter from George B. Shattuck.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 6
Boston, undated

Henry Lee, Jr.他还举办了手机网赌软件排行榜“老波士顿”的讲座,并发表了有关波士顿军乐队查尔斯乐队的文章 河堤,以及波士顿的电动火车.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 7
Boston Common, 1891-1893

Henry Lee, Jr.有关保护波士顿公地的笔记、文章和信件 and rapid transit. Includes a letter from Francis E. 艾博特,一张宣布队形的传单 马萨诸塞州公园保护联盟的成员,以及小亨利·李., article entitled "Urban and Suburban."

Reel 10Box 10Folder 8
Boston - Old South Meeting House, 1877

Henry Lee, Jr.,手机网赌软件排行榜老南聚会所的笔记和报纸文章,以及 its preservation.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 9
Martin Brimmer, 1896

Henry Lee, Jr.马丁·布里默的讣告草稿.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 10
Phillips Brooks, 1891-Feb. 1893

Henry Lee, Jr.,菲利普斯·布鲁克斯的笔记和评论,以及布鲁克斯的讣告 在马萨诸塞州历史学会之前. Includes Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings 还有菲利普斯·布鲁克斯和塞缪尔的来信 Whitman.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 11
William Story Bullard

Henry Lee, Jr.,笔记,剪报,以及威廉·S. Bullard.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 12
"On Burglary..." 1868

Henry Lee, Jr.手机网赌软件排行榜窃贼和入室行窃的文章. 包括笔记和广告 the Union Safe Deposit Vaults.

Reel 10Box 10Folder 13
Benjamin F. Butler, 15 July 1883


Reel 11Box 11Folder 1
独立军校学员团,亨利·克莱,1837年危机,查尔斯河 河堤,克拉克之家,还有铜头蛇,日期不详

Henry Lee, Jr., notes and remarks.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 2
Sarah G. Cary, undated

Obituary of Sarah G. Cary.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 3
Catholics, undated

Henry Lee, Jr.,手机网赌软件排行榜爱尔兰天主教徒和清教徒遗产的笔记.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 4
Civil service reform, Feb. 1884

Henry Lee, Jr.他在第五届国会公务员改革俱乐部发表讲话 地区及其他讲者名单.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 5
Sarah Paine Cleveland, Aug. 1893

Copies of Henry Lee, Jr.莎拉·潘恩·克利夫兰的讣告.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 6
Henry Denison, undated


Reel 11Box 11Folder 7
Charles Devens, Jan.-July 1891

Resolution of the Union Club to attend the funeral of General Devens; notes of Henry Lee, Jr.以及在马萨诸塞州历史学会对德文斯的评论.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 8
Thomas Dudley, undated

Henry Lee, Jr., letter on ancestor Thomas Dudley.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 9
William H. Eliot, undated

Henry Lee, Jr.他在特雷蒙大厦的开幕式上敬酒."

Reel 11Box 11Folder 10
Faneuil Hall, 1875, 1890

法尼尔大厅手机网赌软件排行榜路易斯安那州会议的剪报,温德尔·菲利普斯的演讲,还有 Democratic party rally.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 10
Free Soil, undated

Henry Lee, Jr.在1848年第一次自由土壤会议上的笔记.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 11
Genealogical papers, 1874, 1889

手机网赌软件排行榜李氏家族和相关家族的笔记. 包括记录专员的注释 report, "A Brief Genealogy of the Mellows Family of Barbados," by Harrison Ellery; an unsigned letter to Francis H. 李的母系祖先托马斯李(d. 1766); and a letter from J. Henry Lea.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 12
John Gilbert, 1889

Henry Lee, Jr.,手机网赌软件排行榜演员约翰·吉尔伯特的文章和笔记. Newspaper clippings on Gilbert 罗伯特。M. 库欣,乔治·皮尔斯和乔治·W. Curtis.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 13
撒迦利亚·希克斯,艾萨克·欣克利和参议员乔治·F. Hoar, 1890

Henry Lee, Jr., notes, articles, and speeches. Also includes notes on railroads.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 14
John Hancock, 1896-1897

Henry Lee, Jr.小柯蒂斯·吉尔德(Curtis Guild, Jr .)在一次演讲中对汉考克的评论., at the dedication of 汉考克纪念馆,事件剪报,小亨利·李., speech on Hancock. 还包括李公会通信.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 15
Harvard Club, N.Y., 1885

Henry Lee, Jr.哈佛俱乐部晚宴上的演讲稿和剪报.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 16
Harvard College, 1889

Henry Lee, Jr.在毕业典礼上发表荣誉学位演讲的笔记.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 17
Harvard commencement dinner, 1882

Henry Lee, Jr., speech at dinner.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 18
Harvard commencement, 1884

Henry Lee, Jr., commencement speech.

Reel 11Box 11Folder 19
Harvard Medical School, 1881

Henry Lee, Jr.在哈佛医学院100周年校庆上的讲话 dedication of a new building.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 1
George Higginson, 1889

Henry Lee, Jr.乔治·希金森的笔记和他手机网赌软件排行榜希金森的讣告副本.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 2
Waldo Higginson, 1891-1894

沃尔多·希金森的讣告和乔治·莫里尔·怀曼的讣告上的信 Higginson, James J. Higginson, S.G. Ward, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jon S. Higginson, Richard Sullivan, Jr.托马斯·温特沃斯·希金森和约翰·福尔摩斯. Letter from Arkwright Mutual Fire Insurance Co. to Waldo Higginson.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 3
Hoar, 14 Feb. 1895

Includes Henry Lee, Jr., remarks on Judge E.R. 霍尔在马萨诸塞州的一次会议上 《手机网赌软件排行榜》,李在书中提到了霍尔法官,以及E.R. Hoar, Samuel Hoar, and J.B. Thayer.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 4
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1894-1895

Includes copies of remarks on Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 11 Oct. 1894, and correspondence concerning Holmes from George E. Ellis, John T. Morse, Jr., John Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and Samuel Whitman.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 5
Jackson, 1891

Henry Lee, Jr.,手机网赌软件排行榜安德鲁·杰克逊和1837年危机的笔记,以及他的讣告 S.C. 杰克逊和小帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 6
Fanny Kemble, undated

Newspaper clipping on Fanny Kemble.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 7
Labor Day

Henry Lee, Jr.,文章和剪报在劳动节.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 7
Henry Lee

Notes on Henry Lee's will.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 8
Henry Lee, Jr., 1898

小亨利·李传记.以及有关退休和死亡的剪报 of Lee. 李提到了1857年的“金融危机”.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 9
Henry Lee, Jr., 1892-1898

小亨利·李的杂项笔记.,李的退休剪报,李的笔记和 review of Edward Everett Hale's The Story of Massachusetts in the Nation, and correspondence from W.P. Garrison and William Everett relating to the review. 小亨利·李在政治上所做的事情. List of typographical errors found in the Boston Transcript by Henry Lee, Jr.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 10
Henry Lee, Jr., undated

Henry Lee, Jr.对莎士比亚、爱默生等的评论., and various other persons and matters. 还包括李的《十大正规网赌网址》."

Reel 12Box 12Folder 11
Henry Cabot Lodge, undated

Henry Lee, Jr.1884年至1884年间,洛奇、共和党政治和外交政策的注释 1895.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 12
William H. Logan, 1870

Henry Lee, Jr., obituary of William H. Logan.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 13
Judge John Lowell, 1892

Henry Lee, Jr.他在纪念洛厄尔法官的晚宴上发表讲话.

Reel 12Box 12Folder 14
Theodore Lyman, 1891

手机网赌软件排行榜李和其他人希望莱曼留在哈佛董事会的剪报 监工们,还有小亨利·李., obituary of Theodore Lyman.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 1
Maverick Bank case, undated


Reel 13Box 13Folder 1
Jeremiah Mason

Henry Lee, Jr., notes.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 1
Meeting of Independents, 1884 (incorrectly dated 1894)

Lee speech.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 1
William Minot, Jr., and Benjamin Eddy Morse, 1894


Reel 13Box 13Folder 2
Charles J. Morrill, undated

Henry Lee, Jr., remarks about Charles J. Morrill.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 3
Boston Park System, 1891

Henry Lee, Jr., notes and clippings.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 3
"Mischievous legislation," 1865; "unprincipled partisanship," 1890; Mayor Edwin U. Curtis, 1895; military preparedness, 1898; and "Jabez Pratt-Coroner"

Lee articles.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 4
Francis E. Parker

Henry Lee, Jr., notes on Francis E. Parker.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 5
Perkins, undated

Henry Lee, Jr., remarks on Thomas H. and William Perkins.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 6
Wendell Phillips, 1875

Henry Lee, Jr., article on Wendell Phillips.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 7
Mayor Josiah Quincy and the Frog Pond, undated; the "Republican Marketman's Dinner," 1890; and the 1837 Broad Street riot, undated

Henry Lee, Jr., articles.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 8
Theodore Roosevelt, Oct. 1895

Henry Lee, Jr.,一篇手机网赌软件排行榜“罗斯福的前后矛盾”的文章."

Reel 13Box 13Folder 9
General Sherman, 1865

Henry Lee, Jr.手机网赌软件排行榜谢尔曼将军行为的文章.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 9
Slavery and Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, undated


Reel 13Box 13Folder 9
Specie payments, undated


Reel 13Box 13Folder 10
George Cheyne Shattuck, 1893

Henry Lee, Jr., draft of the obituary of Dr. Shattuck.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 11
State House, 1895-1896

Henry Lee, Jr.一篇题为“拯救州议会”的文章草稿,以及李的一篇演讲 matter. 州议会大厦的剪报和信件. Includes a letter of E.P. Sohier and Clement K. Fay.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 12
Subway, 1895

Henry Lee, Jr.有关波士顿地铁的笔记、文章和信件. Includes letters from George S. Mandell.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 13
Theological students

Henry Lee, Jr., address to theological students.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 14
Taussig's tariff history

Report on 《美国关税史, by Frank W. Taussig. Report by T. 杰斐逊·柯立芝和小亨利·李的异议., and other 哈佛政治经济委员会的成员.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 15
Adin Thayer, ca. 1884

Henry Lee, Jr.这是对塞耶法官发表反mugwump言论的回应.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 16
Anna Eliot Ticknor, 1885

Henry Lee, Jr., obituary of Mrs. George Ticknor.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 17
Veterans' Preference Bill, 1895

Henry Lee, Jr.,手机网赌软件排行榜退伍军人优先待遇立法辩论的笔记和文章 Bill and the governor's veto of it.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 18

一篇文章的剪报“财富带来幸福吗??,其中包括亨利的一段陈述 Lee, Jr.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 18
Henry M. Wightman, 1885

Memorial to Henry M. Wightman.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 18
H.F. Wolcott, undated

Letter from H.F. Wolcott.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 18
"New England Guards," undated

Henry Lee, Jr., article.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 18
Martin L. Whischer, 1875

Lee obituary.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 18
Daniel Webster, 1890


Reel 13Box 13Folder 19

Henry Lee, Jr., notes on Major George W. Whistler.

Reel 13Box 13Folder 20
Robert C. Winthrop, Dec. 1894

Henry Lee, Jr., memoir of Robert C. 温斯洛普在马萨诸塞州历史学会读书 and a letter from Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., on the memoir.

Reel 13Box 14Folder 1
Henry Lee, Jr., miscellany, undated

手机网赌软件排行榜军事问题的各种笔记和图表,手机网赌软件排行榜邦克山战役的叙述, 发票,书单,还有托马斯·李的财产记录.

Reel 13Box 14Folder 2
Henry Lee, Jr., lectures, undated

手机网赌软件排行榜讽刺,天文学,道德勇气和个人影响,热情好客的讲座 古代和现代,职业对品味的影响,公民服从的义务, 对死亡语言的研究,公共和私人经济的责任,道德规范和 环境,投机的性质和影响,现代社会的进步和衰败 文明,积累知识,养成道德习惯,培养智力 improvement. 还包括主题写作的说明.

Reel 13Box 14Folder 3
Massachusetts militia, May 1840


Reel 13Box 14Folder 4
Genealogy, etc.

李、杰克逊、卡伯特和其他相关家族的家谱资料,以及一份 eulogy of Henry Lee.

Reel 13Box 14Folder 5
Genealogy, etc., 1867, 1893

李、卡伯特、希金森、昆西和其他相关家族的家谱资料. 包括盾形纹章的图纸,家谱图,威廉·H. Whitmore, and a listing of Lee property.

Reel 14Box 15Folder 1
Henry Lee annotated newspapers, 1833-1849

亨利·李的剪报和纸币上的银行货币 Boston Courier and the New York Evening Post.

Reel 14Box 15Folder 2-9
Henry Lee appendices, 1844-1845

Various appendices of 给……棉花制造商的信 Massachusetts (Boston, 1844) and Considerations on the 棉花的种植和消费,与货币、信用、 Commerce and Banking; Addressed to the Cotton Manufacturers of Massachusetts (Boston, 1845).

Reel 14Box 15Folder 10
Massachusetts militia, 1876-1877

小亨利·李的各种统计图表和其他论文., relating to the 马萨诸塞民兵和立法机关. Includes letters from B.T. Tinan and Thomas F. Edmands.

Reel 14Box 15Folder 11
Militia miscellany, 1866

Articles by Henry Lee, Jr.在民兵问题上,一份手机网赌软件排行榜部队数量的声明 以及参议员亨利·威尔逊的民兵法案的注解.

Reel 14Box 15Folder 12
Massachusetts militia report, 1876-1877

Henry Lee, Jr.请报道马萨诸塞州民兵的情况. 包括查尔斯的信件 J. Williams, E.L. Zalinski, and Thomas F. 埃德蒙兹,手机网赌软件排行榜军事组织的笔记 美国,以及李报告的草稿说明.

Reel 14Box 15Folder 13
Massachusetts militia report, 1876-1877

Henry Lee, Jr.与民兵有关的说明和其他材料.

Reel 14Box 15Folder 14
Massachusetts militia report, 1876-1877

Henry Lee, Jr.他的民兵报告的注释和草稿.

C. Robert Gould Shaw monument papers, 1886-1897

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含了小亨利·李的通信和其他文件., relating to 在马萨诸塞州波士顿建造罗伯特·古尔德·肖纪念碑.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 1

亨利·李的提议和其他手机网赌软件排行榜罗伯特·古尔德·肖纪念碑的计划. Includes a letter 摘自约翰·默里·福布斯以及《十大正规网赌网址》的节选."

Reel 15Box 16Folder 2

奥古斯都圣爱德华·阿特金森的信件. 高登斯,约翰·默里·福布斯和亨利 A. Turner. 主题包括邵氏纪念碑的捐款,碑文, 立法行动,浅救济的进展,以及圣. Gaudens to Boston.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 3
Jan.-July 1892

爱德华·阿特金森、约翰·默里·福布斯、奥古斯都·圣. Gaudens, Josephine Shaw Lowell, and M.P. Kennard. 主题包括萧氏碑题词,加上 纪念碑上的阵亡军官的名字,以及圣. Gaudens.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 4
Aug. 1892

约翰·默里·福布斯,奥古斯都圣. Gaudens, M.P. Kennard, and W.H. Hughes. 主题包括邵氏纪念碑铭文和约翰的内战回忆 Murray Forbes.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 5
Sep.-Oct. 1892

约翰·默里·福布斯、沃尔多·希金森、小亨利·李的来信., Richard M. Hunt, Levi P. Morton, and Josephine Shaw Lowell. 主题包括邵逸夫纪念堂委员会 纪念碑题字,并释放圣. 为政府奖章工作的高登斯 the Columbian Exhibition.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 6
Nov.-Dec. 1892

约翰·博伊德·撒切尔、查尔斯·L .·. Mitchell, Augustus St. Gaudens, Edward Atkinson, and John Murray Forbes. Subjects include St. 高登斯和哥伦比亚展览, 一份邵氏纪念碑露台的合同,以及纪念碑上的铭文.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 7

奥古斯都圣爱德华·阿特金森的信件. Gaudens, and John Murray Forbes. Subjects include St. 高登斯延迟完成邵氏纪念碑,纪念碑委员会 财政,和碑文.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 8
Jan.-Apr. 1894

爱德华。阿特金森、查尔斯。W. Eliot, Augustus St. Gaudens, and Henry Lee, Jr. 科目包括邵氏纪念碑铭文及其他纪念碑委员会 matters.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 9
June-Dec. 1894

爱德华。阿特金森、查尔斯。W. 艾略特,亨利·李,约翰·默里·福布斯,还有 Augustus St. Gaudens. 主题包括萧伯纳纪念碑委员会和艾略特总统委员会 proposal for inscriptions.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 10
Apr.-July 1895

爱德华·阿特金森的来信. Subjects include St. Gaudens' progress on the Shaw 纪念碑和立法代表在雕像揭幕仪式上.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 11
May-Aug. 1896

Correspondence from Augustus St. Gaudens and Edward Atkinson. Subjects include proposed changes by St. 高登斯,艺术家的报酬,以及肖伯纳纪念碑的完工.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 12
Sep.-Dec. 1896

爱德华·阿特金森和米米·莱曼的通信. Subjects include the Shaw monument inscriptions, payment of St. 高登斯,以及为国家选择日期和演说者 unveiling.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 13
Jan. 1897

Josephine Shaw Lowell, Thomas L. 利弗莫尔,爱德华·阿特金森,萨拉·B. Shaw, and Daniel Appleton. 主题包括利弗莫尔上校不再担任 纪念碑揭幕,威廉·詹姆斯和布克·T. Washington as speakers, 以及军队和国家参与最后的赛事.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 14
Feb. 1897

丹尼尔·阿普尔顿、爱德华·阿特金森、小亨利·李的来信., Pen Hallowell, Francis H. 阿普尔顿、威廉·詹姆斯、约瑟芬·肖·洛厄尔、米米·莱曼和威尔逊·B. Strong. Subjects include Shaw Monument Committee finances; William James's acceptance as orator; and 雕像揭幕前的座位、门票及其他准备事宜.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 15
Mar. 1897

爱德华·阿特金森、弗朗西斯·H. 阿普尔顿,潘·哈洛威尔,米米·莱曼,莎拉 B. 肖,约瑟芬·肖·洛厄尔,艾达·A. Higginson, Isaac P.T. Edmands, Henry Lee Higginson, William James, Thomas F. Edmands, and Henry Lee, Jr. 主题包括准备 萧伯纳纪念碑揭幕,威廉·詹姆斯作为演说家的角色,包括一名军人 演讲者名单,以及爱德华·阿特金森的《手机网赌软件排行榜》."

Reel 15Box 16Folder 16
1-16 Apr. 1897

小亨利·李·希金森的信件., John Murray Forbes, William 爱德华。阿特金森,奥古斯都. Gaudens, Anna C.L. Waterston, M.P. Kennard, Samuel A. Green, and Francis H. Appleton. 主题包括萧伯纳纪念碑的准备工作 揭幕仪式,约翰·默里·福布斯的纪念活动,以及纪念碑上的名字.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 17
21-30 Apr. 1897

Correspondence from Francis H. 阿普尔顿,约翰·默里·福布斯,小亨利·李., Augustus St. Gaudens, William H. Baldwin, William H. Lawrence, Francis V. Balch, and William James. 主题包括萧伯纳纪念碑揭幕仪式的门票和座位以及游行顺序 for the event. List of dignitaries and seating.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 18
2-19 May 1897

威廉·詹姆斯、爱德华·阿特金森、安妮·菲尔兹、查尔斯·L. Mitchell, Henry Lee Higginson, William E. 巴顿,摩西·威廉姆斯,艾伦·斯特吉斯·迪克西,还有茱莉亚·沃德 Howe. 主题包括肖纪念碑揭幕的门票,黑人参与 以及威廉·詹姆斯的演讲.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 19
21-31 May 1897

茱莉亚·沃德·豪、亨利·李·希金森、爱德华·阿特金森、威廉·詹姆斯、 Roger Wolcott, Henry Lee, Jr., and T.R. Sullivan. 科目包括最后的准备 以及萧伯纳纪念碑揭幕的门票. 包括亨利·李和爱德华·阿特金森 纪念碑委员会的报告和5月31日活动的门票.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 20
1-4 June 1897

爱德华。阿特金森、查尔斯。W. Eliot, and Henry Lee, Jr. Subjects include 邵逸夫纪念堂委员会的财政和对揭幕程序的反应.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 21
5 June-July 1897

霍顿·米夫林公司爱德华·阿特金森的来信 & Co., Henry Lee, Jr., Josiah Quincy, and John Murray Forbes. 主题包括出版一本手机网赌软件排行榜英国历史的小册子 刻有雕像揭幕仪式致辞的纪念碑.

Reel 15Box 16Folder 22

马萨诸塞州有色人种退伍军人协会的剪报 约翰·默里·福布斯对弗朗西斯·乔治·肖的纪念,罗伯特·古尔德·肖的名单 倒下的同志,还有给编辑的信 Transcript on the Shaw memorial.

D. Henry Lee Shattuck papers, 1933-1957

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含了亨利·李·沙塔克的信件和其他有关的文件 对于两卷本研究的研究和写作, The Jacksons and 《李氏家族:马萨诸塞两代商人,1765-1844, by Kenneth Wiggins Porter (Cambridge, 1937).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 1

亨利·李·沙塔克、塞缪尔·艾略特·莫里森、弗兰克·C. Ayres, and M.A. DeWolfe Howe. 主题包括李的论文有关哈佛,联合俱乐部,和 Tavern Club.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 2
Jan.-May 1934

亨利·李·沙塔克,N.S.B. Gras, M.A. DeWolfe Howe, and Kenneth W. Porter. 科目包括编辑李的论文和文件. Includes a list of 波士顿及附近李家和杰克逊家的手稿材料.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 3
June-Nov. 1934

Henry Lee Shattuck, Kenneth W. Porter, James Jackson, James J. Minot, and Philip Cabot. 主题包括收集杰克逊和李的论文和工作 Kenneth W. Porter's book The Jacksons and the Lees. Includes 波特对卡伯特-杰克逊-李论文的分析.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 4
Jan.-May 1935

Correspondence from Kenneth W. Porter, Henry Lee Shattuck, N.S.B. Gras, Samuel Cabot, P.T. Jackson, and George R. Minot. Subjects include The Jacksons and the Lees (研究亨利李-加勒廷通信,可能的标题,出版商, and pictures).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 5
June-Dec. 1935

亨利·李·沙塔克、霍普·马修森、查尔斯·杰克逊、P.T. Jackson, Kenneth W. Porter, and Elizabeth C. Lyman. Subjects include The Jacksons and the Lees (获取图片和信息).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 6

Henry Lee Shattuck, Kenneth W. Porter, Dumas Malone, N.S.B. Gras, and George R. Minot. Subjects include The Jacksons and the Lees (寻找李和杰克逊的论文以及哈佛出版波特的书) University Press).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 7
June-Dec. 1937

亨利·李·沙塔克,N.S.B. Gras, P.T. Jackson, Frances Carpenter, George R. Minot, J.J. Drury, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.埃勒里·塞奇威克,詹姆斯·杰克逊,J.D. Phillips, Francis R. Hart, Margaret Perry, A. Lawrence Lowell, Kenneth W. Porter, and John W. Elliot. Subjects include The Jacksons and the Lees (complimentary copies).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 8
Jan.-Nov. 1938

亨利·李·沙塔克、亨利·杰克逊、肯尼斯·W·杰克逊的信件. Porter, Barbara D. Simison, and Samuel Eliot Morison. 主题包括免费的副本和评论 The Jacksons and the Lees.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 9

Correspondence from Kenneth W. 波特、亨利·李·沙塔克和威廉·H. Cary. Subjects 包括波特的持续研究 The Jacksons and the Lees (Francis L. Lee).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 10

亨利·李·沙塔克和肯尼斯·W·. Porter. Subjects include 亨利·李,小亨利·李的信件复制品., and Francis L. Lee, as well as the descendants of Thomas H. Perkins and Henry Lee.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 11

Henry Lee Shattuck, Kenneth W. Porter, M.J. Walsh, and Arthur H. Cole. 主题包括波特对李信件的研究,对杰克逊夫妇和李夫妇的其他研究,以及 古斯比书店的李氏信笺.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 12

亨利·李·沙塔克和肯尼斯·W·. Porter. Subjects include a 波特对杰克逊-李的各种信件和出版前景的讨论.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 13

马克·德沃尔夫·豪、亨利·李·沙塔克和肯尼斯·W·布什的信件. Porter. Subjects 包括豪手机网赌软件排行榜奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯法官的著作和波特手机网赌软件排行榜李家的文章. 包括波特一篇文章的草稿,《一个波士顿人手机网赌软件排行榜伯恩斯的笔记》."

Reel 16Box 17Folder 14

Henry Lee Shattuck, Arthur H. Cole, Kenneth W. Porter, Benjamin W. Labaree, and Wendell P. Sargent. 主题包括对杰克逊夫妇和 Lees. Extracts from J.J. Currier's History of Newburyport (1906).

Reel 16Box 17Folder 15

Clippings and correspondence. Henry Lee Shattuck, George C. Lee, and 内莉·艾米拍摄杰克逊·李的肖像照片,一个广告 The Jacksons and the Lees,附有乔纳森的插图 杰克逊,还有一份波士顿的剪报 Post article on Patrick Tracy Jackson. 专家对杰克逊-李肖像的注释.

Reel 16Box 17Folder 16
Undated移到李家的照片(图). Coll. 500.75).

Photographs and prints. 包括塞缪尔·卡伯特,小亨利·李的肖像., William Colman 还有一张亨利·李在布鲁克林的房子的照片.

E. Printed material, 1774-1922

这个子系列由各种小册子和其他印刷品组成 关税,哈佛事务和纪念活动,马萨诸塞民兵,以及李家族的其他成员 causes and interests.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 1

亨利·李和小亨利·李的包装和标签.,信件和附录草稿 of Henry Lee's 给棉花制造商的信...

Reel 16Box 18Folder 2
Miscellaneous envelopes, etc.

活页夹,标签,包装纸和信封亨利李,亨利李-玛丽杰克逊李,和 李-索尼信件和其他信件.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 3
马萨诸塞州联邦印刷材料; 1861-1864, 1892

与马萨诸塞州志愿军有关的各种一般性命令和其他文件, 志愿外勤人员的花名册,众议院手机网赌软件排行榜联合安全公司成立的法案 存款保险库,以及为新总部大楼申请资金 美国忠诚军团军令马萨诸塞州指挥官.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 4
马萨诸塞州和陆军部的印刷材料, 1861-1863

Various general orders.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 5
Harvard University, etc., printed material, 1836, 1865, 1884

哈佛200周年校庆晚宴和各种纪念活动的通告 请求国际仲裁与和平会议提供资金, Berne.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 6
公司、委员会、协会等., printed material, 1858-1867, 1880

包括新英格兰铁路共同火灾保险公司的财务报告. and the New England Emigrant Aid Co.; circulars of the Freedmen's Relief Committee, the 马萨诸塞州重建协会,以及共和党南方竞选基金 States; and an announcement of the completion of the Troy and Greenfield Railroad and Hoosac Tunnel.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 7
Assorted printed material, 1839-1888

包括邦克山纪念碑协会,马萨诸塞州步枪俱乐部, and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company; a ticket to the Boston Light Infantry's Military Ball at Papanti's; and a tribute to General Philip H. Sheridan.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 8
Assorted printed material, 1821-1914

包括各种邀请,牧师的辞职. Francis W.P. Greenwood as pastor of 新南方教会宣布成立一个委员会来反对个人主义 提交给普通法院的自由法案,人口和其他统计(1860-1863),副本 诗歌《十大正规网赌网址》作者贺拉斯. Sargent, a Pickering family 家谱图,比佛利农场成立通告,还有一个计划 纪念亨利·李·希金森80岁生日的晚宴.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 9
Newspaper clippings, 1782-1889

各种剪报,包括亨利·李手机网赌软件排行榜棉花生产和小亨利·李的信件., letters on the Draft Riot of 1863.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 10
Newspaper clippings, 1774-1898

乔治·华盛顿、亨利·李、玛格丽特·李和弗朗西斯去世的剪报 L. 在关税、民兵和其他问题上.

Reel 16Box 18Folder 11
Photographs, etc.移到李家的照片(图). Coll. 500.75).

各种照片和画像的军事人物和杰克逊和李的家人 members.

Reel 17Box 19
Pamphlets, undated-1866

包括“公民委员会的报告”...反对进一步增加对…的关税 《手机网赌软件排行榜》(1827),《手机网赌软件排行榜》 麻萨诸塞州手机网赌软件排行榜指控企图解散联邦案..." (1829), "Henry 《手机网赌软件排行榜》,汉密尔顿·安德鲁斯·希尔著,《手机网赌软件排行榜》(1848) 《十大正规网赌网址》(1864)是1864年马萨诸塞州参议院手机网赌软件排行榜民兵的法案, "Reminiscences of Hon. 《十大正规网赌网址》(1866),以及各种各样的清单、布道书和 orations.

Reel 17Box 20
Pamphlets, 1876-1922

包括《十大正规网赌网址》(1876年) 7月4日亨利·卡伯特·洛奇(波士顿,1879年)的演讲,“马萨诸塞州的一家储蓄银行” 李(1893),《十大正规网赌网址》,M.A.D. Howe, and the Lee family genealogy by Thomas B. Lee in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register (July 1922).

II. Oversize material, 1710-1892

这个系列的大部分由18世纪和19世纪初的英国和美国法律组成 与海上贸易有关的文件,包括贸易合同、双桅帆船的登记 Betsy and the schooner Volant, 李氏家族的契约和账目,1790年人口普查法案的副本,以及 1804年波士顿南端的地图,约瑟夫·李的财产,爱德华·杰克逊的家谱,以及 罗伯特·古尔德·肖纪念碑的计划.

查看本系列中提到的所有名称的列表,以及名称 手机网赌软件排行榜馆藏中具有历史意义的人物和主题,请参见 index.

Reel 17Box OS

III. Bound volumes, 1764-1898


这个系列的大部分由帐簿、记录本、现金簿、分类账、 各种家族企业的信件簿、备忘录簿和废纸簿,包括 those of Joseph Lee and George Cabot; Patrick Tracy Jackson and John Bromfield; Patrick Tracy Jackson, Nathaniel Tracy, and John Tracy; Joseph Lee, Jr., and Henry Lee; and Thomas Lee, Jr. 这几卷书包含了大量手机网赌软件排行榜世界商业惯例的信息, 1760-1860年,以及中国、印度、欧洲、南美和西印度贸易. 有些书已被移到箱子里.

如欲查询本丛书的作者及/或拥有者名单,请 以及选出的具有历史意义的个人和主题的名字 collection, see the index.

Reel 18Vol. 1
Thomas H. Cabot journal, 4 Mar.-10 Aug. 1834

Journal kept by Thomas H. Cabot onboard the Logan bound for Gibraltar and Canton on Perkins & Son business. 约翰·默里·福布斯担任超级货运员 on the voyage. 还包括卡伯特手机网赌软件排行榜如何记账和销售的笔记.

船上日志的数字副本 Logan are available on China, America and the Pacific, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak 十大正规网赌网址你当地的图书管理员,以确定你的图书馆是否有访问权限. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a 更多信息请参考图书管理员.

Reel 18Vol. 2
汉密尔顿·安德鲁斯·希尔的亨利·李传记小品, 1894Removed to Box A, Folder 1.
Reel 18Vol. 3-4
Jonathan Jackson letterbooks, 1765-1780

乔纳森·杰克逊的书信簿,里面有他写给埃德蒙·昆西、塞缪尔和 乔纳森·史密斯,亨利和托马斯·布罗姆菲尔德,亨利·克鲁格,乔治·布朗,彼得·康丁辛, 艾萨克·西尔斯,斯蒂芬·塞尔,佩拉提亚·韦伯斯特,马丁·布里默,托马斯和艾萨克·沃顿,西蒙 弗雷泽、埃德蒙·弗里曼、罗伯特·詹金斯、约瑟夫·加尔多基、塞缪尔·纽霍尔、约翰·莫尔斯、詹姆斯 特雷西、菲利普·利文斯顿、西蒙·梅休、小理查德·德比., Henry Crouch, Hector McNeill, and others. Subjects include colonial mercantile affairs and business transactions; the 杰克逊公司的成立和解散 & 约翰·布罗姆菲尔德和 Jackson, (Nathaniel) Tracy & (John) Tracy; American opposition to the Stamp Acts and other parliamentary restrictions on shipping; the Continental Congress and nonimportation of British goods; trade with Spain and the West Indies; shipping during the American Revolution; privateering; the capture of the ship Yankee Hero and subsequent prisoner exchange, 1776; and Jonathan Jackson's opinions on taxation, war, and peace.

Reel 18Vol. 5
Jonathan Jackson letterbook, 17 Mar.-14 Sep. 1790

乔纳森·杰克逊的信件簿,包括给亚伦·布朗、约瑟夫·托马斯、 约翰·斯普拉格,约翰·潘恩等等. 主题包括进行人口普查 在乔纳森·杰克逊的领导下.

Reel 18Vol. 6-7
Jonathan Jackson estate papers, 1806-1829


Reel 18Vol. 8-9
Jackson & Bromfield accounts and journal, 1764-1771

杰克逊号的帐簿和商业日志 & Bromfield firm. Subjects include Jackson & 布罗姆菲尔德运输订单和发票.

Reel 18Vol. 10
帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊财经杂志, 1836-1847


Reel 18-19Vol. 11-16
帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊的书信, 1802-1826Vol. 11-13移至A箱,文件夹2-4.

帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊写给埃比尼泽·帕雷、拉姆·杜洛尔·戴的信件 Joseph Cutler, Joseph Lee, Jr., Francis C. 洛厄尔,安德鲁·卡伯特,斯蒂芬·希金森,约瑟夫·G. 张伯伦,彼得·雷姆森,伊莱休·多蒂,塞缪尔·威廉姆斯,威廉·巴特利特,亨利·李,塞缪尔 卡伯特,乔治·李,艾萨克·劳伦斯,塞缪尔·约克,詹姆斯·肖特,E.A. Newton, William Oliver, John Tracy, Jr., Albert Gallatin, Thomas Lee, Jr.大卫·穆迪,克里斯托弗·戈尔,康奈利 柯立芝,詹姆斯·劳埃德,鲁弗斯·金等等. 科目包括与印度的贸易、贸易 西印度群岛,海地皇帝亨利·克利斯朵夫的贸易政策,《手机网赌软件排行榜》 1807年的《十大正规网赌网址》,1809年的《十大正规网赌网址》,以及1812年的战争及其对航运业的影响 以及梅里马克制造公司和马萨诸塞州洛厄尔的开始. The volume 1813之后的字母很少.

Reel 19Vol. 17-18
弗朗西斯·李的账簿和旅行日志, 1822-1823Removed to Box A, Folders 5-6.

主题包括对外贸易账目和弗朗西斯·李1823年的英国之旅 Scotland.

Reel 19Vol. 19-21
Harriet J. Lee school composition books, 1834-1840Removed to Box A, Folders 7-9.
Reel 20Vol. 22-27
Henry Lee account books, 1799-1817Vol. 25 removed to Box A, Folder 10.

亨利·李的帐簿,内有订单、发票、汇票等的副本., 哪些详细描述了与商人、工厂、船长和客户的交易. Most of 材料涉及东印度贸易. 包括李手机网赌软件排行榜竞标的冗长指示, 买卖给超级货主查尔斯·D. Miles in Calcutta, 1817 (Vol. 26). Parts of Vol. 25个被撕破了,体积总体状况不佳.

Reel 20-21Vol. 28-31
Henry Lee account books, 1833-1858Vol. 28-29移至A框,文件夹11-12.

亨利·李的账簿,详细记录了李氏家族的投资. Includes information on shares held by Henry Lee, Henry Lee, Jr., Francis L. 李,哈丽特·李·莫尔斯,伊丽莎白·卡伯特·李 在阿普尔顿,布特,卡伯特,德怀特,汉密尔顿,洛厄尔,马萨诸塞州., Merrimack, Middlesex, and Tremont manufacturing companies; the Charles River Bridge; the Locks and Canals Co.; the Lowell Railroad; and other enterprises. Vol. 30号记录了亨利·李写给 Henry Lee, Jr.乔治·希金森和威廉·阿莫里. Vol. 31号包括亨利·李的一封信 以及1820年约翰·亚当斯写给尼古拉斯·博伊尔斯顿的一封信的副本, 讨论后来归李家所有的布鲁克林地产.

Reel 21Vol. 32-36
Henry Lee garden books, 1857-1862Removed to Box A, Folders 13-17.

亨利·李的园林书详细描述了土地的测量和排水,树木和灌木的种植 和移走,水果和蔬菜种植和收获,和工人雇用在 Brookline estate of Henry Lee. Vol. 第35章还列出了一些作为礼物的书 Lee, 1860.

Reel 21Vol. 37
Henry Lee notebook, undated

几何问题的书和各种其他草图有关的措施和 navigation.

Reel 21Vol. 38
Henry Lee notebook, Apr. 1850Removed to Box A, Folder 18.

亨利·李在约翰·布罗姆菲尔德(1779-1849)的回忆录中提到了约翰·布罗姆菲尔德 Quincy.

Reel 21-23Vol. 39-48
Henry Lee letterbooks, 1804-1852

包含给纳撒尼尔·卡伯特·李,小约瑟夫·李的信件副本的信件簿., John 刘易斯·布朗,帕特里克·特蕾西·杰克逊,塞缪尔·威廉姆斯,亚瑟·斯皮尔,伊斯雷尔·桑代克,塞迪斯 梅休,彼得·雷姆森,塞缪尔·约克,威廉·H. 萨维奇,亨利·希金森,小约瑟夫·霍尔., 安德鲁·卡伯特,安东尼奥·德弗里亚斯,威廉·奥利弗,乔治·李,奥齐亚斯·古德温,小塞缪尔·卡伯特., E.A. Newton, William A. Newton, Francis C. Lowell, Thomas H. Perkins, Thomas Lee, Jr., James Russell, Francis Lee, John J. 特罗布里奇,查尔斯·威廉姆斯,詹姆斯·麦基洛普,巴布·德尔索克 罗伊,约翰·特雷西,詹姆斯·威廉姆斯,R.P. Ochterlony, Charles D. Miles, Richard C. Cabot, James Schott, James B. 希金森,理查德·伯尔,克莱门特·C. Biddle, J. Horsley Palmer, Thomas 索恩利,亚历山大·特恩布尔,大卫·亨肖,乔治·R. Minot, George Brown, J.J. Dixwell, and others. 还包括奥齐亚斯·古德温、帕特里克·特雷西·杰克逊、安德鲁·卡伯特、 Thomas H. Perkins, and others. Subjects include the India trade; the coronation of Napoleon; 英国枢密令的影响,拿破仑的贸易法令,美国的 Non-Intercourse Act, and the War of 1812 on shipping; the various revolutions in Spanish America; French, Indian, Portuguese, Italian, and Arab trading practices; the opium trade; cotton; the China trade; and Henry Lee's opinions on the War of 1812, the cotton trade, 货币、关税和一般经济问题. 没有1806-1809年的信笺, 1819-1834, or 1836-1839.

Reel 23Vol. 49-52
Henry Lee memoranda books, 1809-1856Vol. 50 removed to Box B, Folder 1.

亨利·李手机网赌软件排行榜商品价格和销售的备忘录 各种市场,保险,船舶到达,利润计算,和费用有关 Lee Brookline estate.

Reel 24Vol. 53
Henry Lee scrapbook, undated

亨利·李的剪贴簿,手机网赌软件排行榜英国夸伦登的李家族. Includes a coat of arms and genealogical notes.

Reel 24Vol. 54-55
Henry Lee scrapbooks, 1849-1862


Reel 24-25Vol. 56-65
Henry Lee scrapbooks, 1843-1862Vol. 60号和65号移到B箱,文件夹2-3号.

从国际、国家、州、 并负责本市政经事务. 包括有关古巴人的剪贴簿 insurrection of 1851 (Vol. 61), slavery and emancipation (Vol. 62), and the Civil War (Vol. 65).

Reel 25Vol. 66
Henry Lee notebook, undated


Reel 25Vol. 67-68
Henry Lee, Jr., account books, 1833-1839, 1895-1898

Account books of Henry Lee, Jr.,载有有关孟加拉货币、成本的分录 商品,个人财务(收入,支出,会费,政治) contributions).

Reel 25Vol. 69
Henry Lee, Jr., bank book, 1861Removed to Box B, Folder 4.

Bank book of Henry Lee, Jr.,里面有各种家庭账目的笔记.

Reel 25Vol. 70-71
约翰·温斯洛普传记小亨利·李., undated

约翰·温斯洛普两卷本传记的手写和打字副本 Henry Lee, Jr.

Reel 25Vol. 72-76
Henry Lee, Jr., journals, 1838-1866Removed to Box B, Folders 5-9.

Journals of Henry Lee, Jr.,讨论去里约热内卢、欧洲和其他地方的旅行 列出了作为安德鲁总督副官要做的事情.

Reel 25Vol. 77
Henry Lee, Jr., lecture notes, June 1835Removed to Box B, Folder 10.

Henry Lee, Jr.哈佛大学的“化学史”课堂笔记."

Reel 26-31Vol. 78-83
Henry Lee, Jr., letterbooks, 1864-1890

Letterbooks of Henry Lee, Jr.,里面有给约翰A的信的副本. Andrew, Ambrose E. Burnside, J. Elliot Cabot, Stephen Cabot, U.S. Grant, E.I. Godkin, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Reverdy Johnson, Jr.,亨利·李,艾伯特·劳伦斯,弗雷德里克·劳 奥姆斯特德,约翰·戈汉姆·帕尔弗雷,亨利·威尔逊,罗伯特·C. 温斯洛普,威廉·特库姆塞·谢尔曼, Charles W. 艾略特,约翰·默里·福布斯,小查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯., Richard Henry Dana, Jr., 沃尔多·希金森,亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗,托马斯·H. Perkins, F.O. Prince, Charles Sumner, 爱德华·阿特金森,查尔斯·德文斯,乔治·弗里斯比·霍尔,威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯,亨利·李 希金森,罗伯特·托德·林肯,伊莱祖尔·赖特,亨利·M. 惠特尼,亚历山大·阿加西,本杰明 F. 巴特勒,亨利·卡伯特·洛奇,西奥多·莱曼,查尔斯·H. Taylor, Richard Olney, Josiah 昆西,莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔,奥古斯都街. Gaudens, Frank W. Taussig, Justin Winsor, and others. Subjects include Lee business and family finances; Civil War military matters; Benjamin F. Butler; John A. Andrew; U.S. Grant; national, Massachusetts, and Boston political affairs; Harvard activities; the Cabot and Lee genealogy; and the preservation of the landmarks of Old Boston. 没有1885-1886年的信笺.

Reel 32Vol. 84-85
Henry Lee, Jr., notebooks, 1875-1877Removed to Box B, Folders 11-12.


Reel 32Vol. 86
Henry Lee, Jr., scrapbook, 1854-1893

Henry Lee, Jr.,剪贴簿,里面有他的作品的剪报,手机网赌软件排行榜他的文章和 其他波士顿人,历史文章,乔赛亚·罗伊斯和其他人在“学派”的演讲 of Ethics" in Plymouth, Mass.

Reel 32Vol. 87-88
Henry Lee, Jr., scrapbooks, undated

Scrapbooks of Henry Lee, Jr.,里面有诗歌和其他各种文章的剪报 notes on the Lee genealogy. Includes a letter from Anson Titus.

Reel 32Vol. 89
Henry Lee, Jr., scrapbook, 1865-1898Removed to Box B, Folder 13.

小亨利·李的各种作品剪贴簿. (讣告,给编辑的信, etc.)

Reel 32Vol. 90
Joseph Lee account book, 1777-1779Removed to Box B, Folder 14.

约瑟夫·李的账簿,详细记录了海盗船上的商品销售情况 Oliver Cromwell.

Reel 32Vol. 91-93
Joseph Lee almanacs, 1828-1831Vol. 91 removed to Box B, Folder 15. Vol. 92-93 removed to Box C, Folders 1-2.

Copies of The Farmer's Almanack with notes on the daily weather.

Reel 33Vol. 94-95
Joseph Lee blotters, 1773-1788Removed to Box C, Folders 3-4.

Blotters of Joseph Lee & Co. 包含业务交易的分录.

Reel 33Vol. 96-97
Joseph Lee cash books, 1773-1805Vol. 96 removed to Box C, Folder 5.


Reel 33-34Vol. 98-102
Joseph Lee ledgers, 1767-1802

约瑟夫·李的账簿里面有各种商业交易的记录. Vol. 99 (1773-1793) is a distillery ledger.

Reel 34Vol. 103-104
Joseph Lee waste books, 1773-1786Vol. 104 removed to Box C, Folder 6.

李约瑟的废书,详细记录了各种商业交易. Vol. 105 (1784-1786) is 布朗所有的码头和仓库的废物簿 & Thorndike, George Cabot, and Lee.

Reel 34Vol. 105
Joseph Lee account book, 1800-1812

约瑟夫·李和乔治·卡伯特的账簿,上面列出了运往美国的船只和货物 from Calcutta.

Reel 34Vol. 106
Joseph Lee waste book, 1781-1784Removed to Box C, Folder 7.

约瑟夫·李和乔治·卡伯特手机网赌软件排行榜管理遗产的废书 Elizabeth Cabot.

Reel 34-35Vol. 107-108
Joseph Lee waste books, 1785-1808


Reel 35Vol. 109
Joseph Lee business journal, 1785-1802


Reel 35Vol. 110
Joseph Lee, Jr., letterbook, 27 Feb.-12 May 1812Removed to Box C, Folder 8.

Letterbook of Joseph Lee, Jr.他在哈瓦那讨论业务,并描述了古巴. Writing is in pencil and barely legible.

Reel 35Vol. 111
Joseph Lee, Jr., account book, 1803-1810

Account book of Joseph Lee, Jr.和亨利·李详细介绍各种商品的销售情况 brigs.

Reel 35-36Vol. 112-113
Joseph Lee, Jr., letterbooks, 1793-1808

Letterbooks of Joseph Lee, Jr.亨利·李手里拿着给詹姆斯·达夫的信件副本, E.H. Derby, Jr.约翰·斯蒂尔、威廉·怀曼、雅各布·克劳宁希尔德、约翰·怀特、约翰·威廉姆斯、 Samuel Cabot, Thomas Lee, Jr.彼得·雷姆森,鲁弗斯·毕格罗,罗伯特·卡伯特,纳撒尼尔·鲍迪奇, 伊斯雷尔·桑代克,弗朗西斯·李,塞缪尔·威廉姆斯,威廉·奥利弗,小约翰·特雷西., Frederic 卡伯特,塞缪尔·约克,帕特里克·特蕾西·杰克逊,还有其他人. 主题包括李的生意 印度贸易,欧洲市场,《手机网赌软件排行榜》,以及与大不列颠战争的前景 Britain.

Reel 36Vol. 114
Joseph Lee, Jr., memorandum book, 1807-1822Removed to Box C, Folder 9.

Memorandum book of Joseph Lee, Jr.和亨利·李,里面有各种账目,价格数据, and a detailed letter by H.L. on the subject of cotton, 1822.

Reel 36Vol. 115
Thomas Lee ledger, 1769-1818


Reel 36-37Vol. 116-124
Thomas Lee, Jr., account books, 1802-1829

Account books of Thomas Lee, Jr.,内含订单、发票等., pertaining to voyages 在鹿特丹、波士顿、费城、伦敦、哈瓦那、苏门答腊等地进行交易 ports. 包括给塞缪尔。P. 加德纳,埃比尼泽·弗朗西斯,乔治·李,约瑟夫 皮特凯恩、约翰·布莱恩特、罗伯特·卡伯特、塞缪尔·威廉姆斯、亨利·李、小塞缪尔·卡伯特., John 布罗姆菲尔德、约翰·刘易斯·布朗、查尔斯·威廉姆斯、汉弗莱·德弗罗、弗朗西斯·李、约翰·H. Cabot, and others.

Reel 37Vol. 125
Thomas Lee, Jr., cash book, 1817-1823

Cash book of Thomas Lee, Jr.,列出现金收入和支出.

Reel 37-38Vol. 126-133
Thomas Lee, Jr., business journals, 1829-1858Vol. 129 removed to Box C, Folder 10.

小托马斯·李的商业期刊.,包含日常业务信息 transactions. 没有1834年、1845-1847年或1852年的期刊.

Reel 38-40Vol. 134-148
Thomas Lee, Jr., ledgers, 1817-1865Vol. 139-140移至C框,文件夹11-12.

Ledgers of Thomas Lee, Jr.,内含发票及其他商业及个人财务资料 records.

Reel 40Vol. 149-150
Thomas Lee, Jr., letterbooks, 1817-1831

Letterbooks of Thomas Lee, Jr.里面有写给乔治·奈特和彼得的信的副本 雷姆森,乔治·威廉姆斯,艾伯特·劳伦斯,詹姆斯·德雷克,小约翰·特雷西., John H. Cabot, Thomas 赖特,塞缪尔·威廉姆斯,查尔斯·W. Story, John Harrod, Ephraim Thayer, Edward W. Waldo, 詹姆斯·摩尔菲尔德、亨利·李、爱德华·多尔、兰伯特·德克斯特、马丁·范布伦等人. 主题包括哈瓦那和欧洲贸易. 写给范布伦的信是手机网赌软件排行榜 在1830年比利时革命期间,荷兰对安特卫普的轰炸中.

Reel 40Vol. 151
Thomas Lee, Jr., logbook, 30 Apr.-18 Dec. 1824

Ship's log for the brig Henrico from Boston to Famouth, 直布罗陀,里斯本,再回到直布罗陀.

双桅帆船日志的数字副本 Henrico are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to 向当地图书管理员查询,以确定您的图书馆是否有访问权限. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a 更多信息请参考图书管理员.

Reel 40-41Vol. 152-154
Thomas Lee, Jr., waste books, 1804-1824

Waste books of Thomas Lee, Jr.,内含发票、汇票、溢价票据和 other business information.

Reel 41Vol. 155
William C. Lee business journal, 1796-1800

Business journal of William C. 李详细描述了各种商业交易.

Reel 41Vol. 156
John Tracy, Jr., memorandum book, 1810

Memorandum book of John Tracy, Jr.,载有加尔各答、锡兰、 Muscat, and other ports.

Reel 41Vol. 157
Account book, undated

包含汉弗莱·德弗罗,约瑟夫·李,弗朗西斯账户信息的账簿 李,南希李,安德鲁卡伯特等人,以及各种货物的发票.

Reel 41Vol. 158-159
Indexes, undated

装订索引到未知的李氏信笺和分类帐. 列出姓名、交易和 page numbers.

Reel 41Vol. 160-161
Genealogical material, 1875-1880

“祖先碑”,包含契弗、沙塔克、李、 杰克逊,戴维斯,皮克林,以及其他亲属. 还包括打字页 《十大正规网赌网址》(1925)和弗雷德里克C. Shattuck concerning genealogy.

Reel 41Vol. 162
General index, undatedRemoved to Box C, Folder 13.

小亨利·李的论文总索引.,列出作品、信件、日记; etc.

Reel 41Vol. 163
Manuscript music, undated

不完整的手稿音乐卷,包括“吟游诗人之歌”,“快乐的农民,”和其他 pieces.

Reel 41Vol. 164
Lee European passport, 1853Removed to Box C, Folder 14.
Vol. 165
Lee family genealogyRemoved to Box C, Folder 15.


Select Index

本索引包含第1-20栏(系列I)中所有通信人员的姓名,所有姓名 在特大号材料(系列II)内提及的资料,以及作者及/或拥有人的姓名 the bound volumes (Series III). 这份名单中还包括一些被选中的个人的名字 以及收藏中具有历史意义的主题. The numbers following each item indicate box and folder. 例如,与弗朗西斯·阿博特的通信可以在第10栏找到, Folder 7.

Abbot, Francis, 10.7
Abbott, E.S., 7.14
Abbott, Edwin Hale, 7.13, 7.14
Abbott, J.G., 7.4
Aborn, H.M., 7.12
Adam, R.B., 7.2
Adams, Brooks, 9.8
Adams, C[harles] F[rancis], Jr., 8.16
Adams, John, 1.15, 2.4
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848), 1.19, 3.3
Adams, John Quincy (1833-1894), 1.1, 7.19, 8.8, 8.10, 9.8
Adams, Samuel, 2.2
Agassiz, A[lexander], 9.2
阿加西,伊丽莎白(莉齐)卡里,9岁.4, 9.12, 9.13, 9.17
Ainsworth, J.A., 7.14
Alexander, [Fletcher], 5.2
Alice, sloop, 1.18
Allen, George H., 7.13
Allen, J.M., 3.11, 3.12
Almy, Charles, 17.7
Almy, Nelly, 17.15
Ames, Hector C., 4.11, 6.5
Ames, Oliver, 9.6
Amory, Jonathan, 2.15
Amory, R[ufus] G[reene], 1.13
Amory, Thomas, 1.19
Amory, Thomas J.G., 7.10
Amory, William, 6.12, 7.5
Amoskeag Co., 3.11
Anderson, John F., 8.8
Andrew, John Albion, 7.1, 7.3, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.17, 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.11, 9.15, 10.1, 10.2
Andrew, John F., 9.8
Andrews, George L., 7.13, 7.17, 8.11
Andrews, Samuel, 4.10
Andrews, W[illiam] T., 5.17
Appleton, Daniel, 6.15, 16.13, 16.14
Appleton, Francis H., 16.14-17, 16.20
Appleton, William, 6.13
Ariel, schooner, 4.4
Armitiag, Joseph, 1.3
Ashley, O.D., 6.5
Ashton, John, 1.13
Asia, ship, 6.3
Atkinson, Edward, 9.7, 16.2, 16.3, 16.5-16, 16.18-21
Atkinson, Joshua, 1.9
Atkinson, William, 16.16
Atwood, John, Box OS
Aura, barque, 7.9
Austin, Edward, 4.1
Austin, S[amuel, Jr.], 4.2
Avery, John, Jr., Box OS
Aylwin, William C., 3.11
Ayres, Frank C., 17.1
Babson, John J., 8.16
Bacon, Edwin M., 9.8
Bagly, Jonathan, 1.7
Bagnall, W.R., 9.2
Baker, E.C., 6.11
Baker, Eliphalet, 1.13
Baker, John J., 7.7
Baker, Thomas, Box OS
Baker, William, Jr., 7.19
Bakhelder, Caleb, 1.14
Balch, Francis V., 16.17
Baldwin, William H., 16.17
Banks, Charles E, 9.18
Banks, Nathaniel, 6.17, 7.6
Baring Brothers & Co., 2.6
Barnard, John, Box OS
Barnett, A.L., 9.8
Barrett, L[awrence] P., 7.8
Barrett, Thomas, 1.13
Barry, Thomas, 6.10, 6.11, 6.13
Bartlett, Samuel, 2.3, 2.5, 2.13
Bartlett, W[illiam], 1.13
Bartlett, William Francis, 10.4
Barton, William E., 16.18
Batchelder, Cabot, 1.18
Batchelder, Josiah, 1.13, 1.14
Beals, Thomas, 2.13
Bele, Thomas, Box OS
Bemis, George, 3.10, 3,11, 3.15
Bennett & Dickson, 1.16
Bentley, Joshua, 1.13, 1.14
Berlin, Florence, 17.7
Bethel, ship, 1.7
Betsy, brig, 1.13-16, Box OS
Beverly Improvement Society, 10.3
Biddle, Clement C., 3.5-8, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.5, 5.12, 6.2, 6.3
Bigelow, Henry J[acob], 4.1, 4.9, 4.10, 5.9, 5.14, 10.5
Bigelow, John P., 4.3
Bigelow, W[illiam] S[turgis], 9.11
Bill, James B., 8.1
Blaine, James G., 9.3
Blanchard, George & Sarah, 2.15
Bollan, W[illiam], 1.7
Borden, Richard, 7.1
Boston Common, 10.7
波士顿- Old South Meeting House, 10.8
Boston Post, 8.5, 9.6-10
Boston Theatre, 6.2, 6.3, 6.7, 6.9-17, 7.3, 7.10-12, 9.12
Boston Evening Transcript, 12.9
Boston Transit Commission, 9.12, 9.13, 13.12
Bowditch, Charles P., 9.3
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, 8.10
Bowditch, J[onathan] Ingersoll, 6.6, 6.7, 8.1, 8.12
Bowditch, Nathaniel I., 6.5
Bowditch, William I., 6.1
Bowdoin, James, 1.11
Bowen, Clarence W., 9.18
Bowles, Mary, 1.9
Boyd, Francis, 4.10, 5.10
Boyd, James & Sons, 7.1
Braden, Henry S., 8.1
Bradford, George P., 10.3
Bradlee, C[aleb] D[avis], 1.1
Briggs, Henry, 7.18
Brimmer, Martin, 1.14, 7.5, 8.1, 8.16, 9.7, 10.9
Britton, Charles & Sarah, 1.8
Bromfield, Ann, 1.2, 2.15
Bromfield, Henry & Thomas, 1.7, 1.18
Bromfield, John, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Bronson, J., 3.7
Brooks, P[eter] C[hardon], 1.19, 2.7
Brooks, P[eter] C[hardon], Jr., 7.7
Brooks, Phillips, 10.10
Brooks, Thomas, 1.3
Brown, Nehemiah, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7
Brown, William, 7.4, 7.12-15, 7.17
Brown & Thorndike, 1.13
Browne, A[lbert] G., Jr., 7.6, 7.9, 7.11, 8.1, 8.8
Bruce, George A., 9.3
Bryant, William Cullen, 8.15
Bull, Job & Sarah, 1.5
Bullard, Stephen, 5.12, 5.15-19, 6.1-4, 6.7
Bullard, William S., 3.17, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5-9, 4.12, 4.13, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.8, 5.11-16, 5.19, 6.1-5, 6.7, 10.11
Bullard & Lee, 3.17, 3.18, 4.5, 4.6, 4.9, 4.12, 4.13, 5.1, 5.3, 5.11, 5.12, 5.16, 5.18, 5.19, 6.1-5
Bullock, Alexander H., 8.15
Bullock, [W.W.], 7.4-6
Burditt, B[enjamin] A., 6.17
Burke, John, 1.13-16, Box OS
Burnell, R.S., 7.6
Burnside, A[mbrose] E[verett], 8.8
Bustamante, Santiago, 1.1
Butler, Benjamin F., 7.7, 7.9, 7.11, 8.12, 9.2, 10.13
Butler, H.H.G., 5.18
Butler, Noble, 5.18
Cabot, Andrew, 1.17, 1.19
Cabot, Anna, Box OS
Cabot, E[dward] C[larke], 7.13, 8.4
Cabot, Elizabeth, 1.7, 1.8, 1.17
Cabot, Elliot, 5.12
Cabot, Follen, 7.16
Cabot, Francis, 1.6, 1.17, Box OS
Cabot, George, 1.9, 1.17, 8.16, Box OS, Vol. 105-109
Cabot, George E., 17.5
Cabot, J. Elliot, 5.12, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.3, 7.4, 9.2
Cabot, John, 1.6, 1,17, 1.19
Cabot, Joseph, 1.6, 1.7, Box OS
Cabot, Joseph S., 8.2
Cabot, Lizzie, 1.1, 5.12
Cabot, Philip, 17.3
Cabot, Richard Clarke, 2.16
Cabot, Samuel (1759-1819), 1.17
Cabot, Samuel (1815-1885), 6.2
Cabot, Samuel (1850-1906), 8.15, 16.18
Cabot, Samuel (1884-1967), 17.4
Cabot, Stephen, 7.12, 7.13, 7.19, 8.1, 8.5, 8.8, 8.12
Cabot, Thomas Handasyd, Vol. 1
Cabot, Walter, 6.1
Cabot genealogy, 5.19, 8.2
Calhoun, J[ohn] C[aldwell], 3.8, 5.17
Capen, Lois L., 6.17
Caraher, A.P., 7.15
Carey, William H., 17.9
Carpenter, Deborah, 3.5
Carpenter, Frances, 17.7
Carter, James C., 9.14
Cary, Alice, 16.20
Cary, Richard, 7.6, 7.14
Cary, Sarah G., 11.2
Cary, Thomes B., 8.16
Cary, William H., 17.9
Casey, Henry, 4.10
Chamberlain, S.E., 8.15
Chandler, P[eleg] W[hitman], 7.3
Chapman, Samuel, 1.7
Chapple, W.F., 7.2
Cheves, Langdon, 5.11
Child, Dudley R., 9.15
Child, F[rancis] J[ames], 8.12
Civil Service Reform, 11.4
Clapp, W[illiam] W[arland], 7.16, 8.14, 9.9
Clark, W[illiam] S[mith], 7.12
Clarke, Ambrose, 2.3
Clarke, Henry & Priscilla, 1.19
Clarke, John, Box OS
Clarke, Jonas, 1.5
Clarke, Richard, 1.17
Clarke, Thomas, 1.7
Clay, Henry, 11.1
Clement, E[dward] H[enry], 9.10-12, 9.14, 9.15, 12.9
Cleveland, Grover, 9.3, 9.6, 9.14
Cleveland, Sarah Paine, 11.5
Clifford, John H., 8.14
Codman, C[harles] R[ussell], 8.3, 9.4
Cole, Arthur H., 17.11, 17.14
Collinger, M., 4.3
Colman, John, 1.6
Colman, William, 1.9
Cook, Isaac & Martha, 1.7
Coolidge, J. Randolph, Jr., 9.4
Coolidge, T. Jefferson, 13.14
Coolidge, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, 9.6
Cosby, F., 5.18
Cotting, Charles U., 9.3
Couch, D[arius] N[ash], 7.4, 7.9, 7.11, 7.13, 8.1
Covel, Samuel, 1.14
Cranch, Richard, 2.4
Crawford, Thomas, Box OS
Crouch, Henry, 1.8
Crouch & Gray, 1.8
Crowninshield, F[rancis] B., 7.3
Cruft, [S].B., 7.17
Cruttenden, Mackillop & Co., 2.14, 3.4
Cummings, Charles A., 9.1
Cunningham, Francis, 4.4, 4.5
Cunningham, J.S., 3.11, 3.12
Currier, J.W., 4.10
Currier, John J., 9.14
Curtis, Edwin U., 9.14, 13.3
Curtis, George J., 5.16
Curtis, George W., 11.12
Curtis, H.P., 7.5
Curtis & Co., 7.9
Cushing, [ ], 7.2
Cushing, J[ohn] P[erkins], 6.3
Cushing, Robert M., 11.12
Cushing, Thomas C., 2.2
Cutter, Mary L., 7.6
Dale, William J., 8.12, 8.15
Dalton, C[harles] H[enry], 7.2, 7.4, 7.7, 7.9, 9.6, 13.18
Dana, James J., 7.13-15
Dana, Richard H., Jr., 7.12, 8.12
Dana, S.G., 3.12
Danforth, Samuel, 1.8
Davenport, Addington, 1.4, 1.5, Box OS
Davenport, Henry, 9.10
Davis, Caleb, 1.1, 9.18, Vol. 161
Davis, Isaac, 1.13
Davis, J., Jr., 6.6
Davis, P.S., 7.14, 7.15
Dawes, Lizzie M., 7.12
Dean, John Ward, 9.16
Dearborn, Henry A.S., 5.13
2 . Degrand, P[彼得]P[保罗]F[弗朗西斯].3
Dehon, William, 4.4
Deluis, [ ], 2.18
Denison, Daniel, 1.3, 1.4
Denison, Henry, 11.6
Denny, George, 5.17
Densmore, Albert M., 6.12
Derby, Elias H., 1.15
Derby, George, 6.1
Devens, Charles, 8.8, 11.7
Devereux, Charles, 7.2, 7.3
Devereux, George, 7.2
Dewar, Andrew, 1.7
Dexter, Gordon, 5.15
Dexter, T.C.A., 7.17
Dixey, Ellen Sturgis, 16.18
Dixwell, E[pes] S[argent], 6.17
Doering, Rev. & Co., 4.10
[Domiston], Dr. E.E., 6.4
Doolittle, O., 4.10
Doolittle, Theo. A., 4.10
Down, John, Box OS
Draft Riot, 8.5
Drake, Jas., 2.19
Drew, Thomas, 7.6
Driscole, John & Mary, 4.4
Drury, J.J., 17.7
Dudley, J.G., 6.4
Dudley, Thomas, 11.8
Dunbar, Peter, 4.2
Dunn, James C., 8.3
Dutton, E.C., 7.5
Dutton & Wentworth, 5.16
Dwight, Anna C.L., 3.15
Dwight, Mary E., 4.9, 5.13
Dwight, [Wilder], 7.10, 7.11, 7.15
Edmands, Thomas F., 15.10, 15.12, 16.15
Edwards, Isaac [P.T.], 16.15
Edwards, Oliver, 7.16
Eliot, Charles W., 7.18, 9.4, 16.8, 16.9, 16.17, 16.20
Eliot, Josiah, 1.14
Eliot, Samuel, 6.1, 6.2
Eliot, William H., 11.9
Ellery, Harrison, 9.4, 9.11, 9.12, 11.11
Elliot, John W., 17.7
Ellis, Asa, 2.3, 2.5
Ellis, George E., 9.13, 12.4
Ellis, J., 6.7
Ellis & Melledge, 9.11, 9.13, 9.14
Ely, A[lfred] B., 7.1, 7.7
Emerson, Edward W., 9.1
Emerson, R[alph] Waldo, 8.13, 9.1
Emerson, William, 1.7
Endicott, Robert, 2.1
Endicott, William, Jr., 8.4
Epps, Daniel, 1.4
Everett, Edward, 2.10, 3.18, 4.1, 7.5
Everett, William, 9.10, 12.11, 12.9
Farnsworth, A[ddison], 7.17
Farrant, Godslee, Box OS
Favorite, schooner, 1.12, Vol. 158
Faxon, George N., 7.12
Fay, Clement K., 13.11
Fellows, J.F., 7.13
Fernandez, Andres, 1.1
Fields, Annie, 16.18
Fields, J[ames] T[homas], 7.2
Fisher & Co., 7.17
Fiske, A.H., 7.12
Fiske, John, 9.1, 9.5
Fletcher, Alexander & Co., 4.13
Follett, Dexter H., 7.7
Folsom, Charles, 6.11, 6.12
Forbes, Edith Emerson, 9.16
Forbes, J[ohn] M[urray], 7.1, 7.7, 7.14, 8.1, 8.12, 8.15, 9.1, 9.6, 9.11, 16.1-7, 16.9, 16.16, 16.17, 16.21, 16.22, Box OS
Forbes, R[obert] Bennet, 7.13
Forbes, Thomas Tunno, 3.4
Ford, Worthington C., 9.18
Forts in Boston Harbor, 7.19
Foster, [ ], 7.19
Foster, [ ] S., 8.1
Foster, James & Sarah, 1.8
Foster, John, Box OS
Foster, N.H., 6.16
Fox, J.B., 8.1
Fox, John L., 7.14
Fox, T[homas] B., 8.1
Francis, Eben, 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 2.14
Francis, T.E., 7.5
Free Trade Convention (1831), 3.6
French, Charles E., 9.2
French, Helen H., 17.8
Frost, Samuel, 4.1
Frothingham, Theo., 8.11
Fuller, Charles E., 7.4
Fuller, William, 1.3
Gage, Addison & Co., 7.9
Gage, Zachariah, 1.14, 1.15, Box OS
Gallatin, Albert, 2.7, 3.6
Gardiner, J.W. Tudor, 3.9
Gardner, George, 1.8
Gardner, George W., 8.1
Gardner, Henry, Vol. 161
Gardner, John, 1.19, 2.3
Gardner, Jon, 1.5
Gardner, S.J., 3.12
Gardner, Samuel, 1.7
Gardoqui, Joseph, 1.8, Box OS
Garrison, W.P., 8.12, 12.9
Gay, Timothy, 1.13
Gebhard & Co., 2.18, 2.19
George III (Great Britain), 1.17
Gerrish, Benjamin, 1.5, 1.7
Gerrish, Isabel F., 9.18
Gilbert, John, 9.6, 9.7, 11.12
Gladstone, William Ewart, 5.14
[Glynn], John, Box OS
Goddard, D.A., 8.12, 9.1
Godkin, E[dwin] L[awrence], 8.12, 9.1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.10
Goodale, George Lincoln, 9.16
[Goodhue, Jonathan], 5.11
Goodwin, Ozias, 5.14
Goodwin, W[illiam] W[atson], 9.12
Gordon, George H., 7.17
Gordon & Smith, 2.3
Gore, Christopher, 2.14
Gorham, Nathaniel, Jr., 1.19
Gorham, R. 9.6
[Goslier], John Berenberg, 2.17
Gouge, William M., 4.1, 4.3, 5.6, 5.8, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.14
Gould, A[ugustus] A[ddison], 7.14
Gowen, William C., 2.17, 2.19
Grand, Francis, 3.9
Granger, Anna C., 9.15
Grant, Mrs., 5.3
Grant, Robert, 9.14
Grant, Samuel, 1.13
Grant, Ulysses S., 8.13
Grant, Pillans & Co., 2.17-19
Gras, N.S.B., 17.2-4, 17.6-8
Gray, James, 1.13, 1.14
Gray, William, 1.18, 7.5
[Greeharn], John, 7.15
Green, Zacheus, 2.3
Greene, Col., 7.3
Greene, George S., 7.17
Greene, Samuel A., 16.16
Greene. Thomas A., 5.17
Greenleaf, R.C., 7.17, 8.2
Greenough, D.S., 3.10, 3.18
Greenwood, John, 8.9
Gregory, Frances W., 17.14
Grew, Henry S., 9.7
Griffin, Jon, 2.2
Griffing, John & Eliza, 1.3
Grinnell, Joseph, 5.17
Griswold, Charles E., 7.7, 8.2
Grozier, E.A., 9.9, 9.10
Grunch, George, 5.12
Guild, Charles E., 8.10
Guild, Curtis, Jr., 8.12, 9.14, 9.15, 11.14
Habersham, Josephine Clay, 4.2
Habersham, William N., 3.11-13, 3.17, 3.18, 4.1-4, 5.13
Habershoh, Muller & Meyer, 6.13
Hale, Edward Everett, 4.13, 12.9
Hale, Matthew, 9.2
Hale, Nathan, 3.7, 5.5, 5.12
Haley, T.W., 9.13
Hall, Clayton Colman, 9.9
Hall, Richard B., 7.1, 7.11
Hall, T.B., 7.9
Halleck, H[enry] W., 7.15
Hallowell, N.P. (Pen), 9.14-16, 16.14, 16.15, 16.20
Hallowell, R[ichard] P., 8.14
Hallowell, Sarah N., 9.17
Hamilton, Alexander, Jr., 8.10
Hamilton, Schuyler, 7.6
Hammatt, S., 5.17
Hampden Mills, 6.13
Hancock, John, 11.14, Box OS
Harbach, J.W., 6.15
Hardwar, John, Box OS
Harmony, ship, 2.9
Harrison, William Henry, 4.3
Hart, Francis R., 17.7
Hart, Thomas N., 9.10
Harvard Club, N.Y., 11.15
Harvard College commencement, 11.17, 11.18
Harvard Medical School, 11.19
Harvey, [C.M.], 16.15
Haskins, David G., 9.5, 9.11
Hassan, John T., 9.1
Hayes, A[ugustus] A[llen], 7.14
Hayne, Robert, 3.6, 3.7
Hayward, George, 7.17
Hayward, Nathan, 7.8
Healy, James, 9.3
Heard, John T., 3.6, 3.8, 4.4
Heywood, John H., 5.18, 9.4, 9.7
Hicks, Zachariah, 11.13
Higginson, A.S., 9.9
Higginson, F.L., 16.16
Higginson, Mrs. G., 3.11
Higginson, George, 4.2, 5.5, 12.1, 12.2, 7.10
Higginson, Henry, 2.6, 2.16
Higginson, Henry Lee, 7.5, 7.14, 7.19, 16.15, 16.16, 16.18, 16.19
Higginson, Ida, 12.2, 16.15
Higginson, J.A., 7.14
Higginson, J.P., 2.16
Higginson, James B., 3.13
Higginson, James J., 6.2, 7.18, 8.4, 8.8, 8.12, 9.1-4, 9.6, 9.7, 9.9, 9.11, 9.12, 9.15, 12.2
Higginson, John, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
Higginson, Jon S., 12.2
Higginson, Mary C., 3.8, 3.15, 4.7, 4,9, 5.18
Higginson, Stephen, 1.14, 1.15, 1.17, 1.19
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 9.1, 9.4, 9.8-10, 12.2
Higginson, Waldo, 3.8, 3.11, 3.13, 3.18, 4.10, 7.10, 8.12-16, 9.1-10, 12.2, 16.5
Hill, Hamilton Andrews, Vol. 2
Hinckley, Isaac, 11.13
Hincks, Edward W., 9.11
Hoar, E[benezer] R[ockwood], 9.13, 12.3
Hoar, George F., 9.2, 9.6, 9.8, 11.13
Hoar, Samuel, 12.3
Hoar, Sherman, 9.10
Hobbs, Eben, 6.5
Hodges, R.W., 9.13
Holman, Mary Lovering, 9.18
Holmes, Amelia L., 6.12, 7.6
Holmes, John, 12.2, 12.4
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 8.14, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8, 9.13, 12.4
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 9.9, 9.15
Hooper, S[amuel], 6.17
Hopkins, Solomon, 1.14, Box OS
Horton, Charles P., 8.3
Hoskel, William, Box OS
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 9.2, 16.21
Howard, Charles, 7.12
Howard, Robert, Box OS
Howe, Albert R., 8.4
Howe, Frank E., 7.15
Howe, Julia Ward, 16.18, 16.19
Howe, M.A. DeWolfe, 17.1-3
Howe, Mark DeWolfe, 17.13
Howells, W[illiam] D[ean], 8.16, 9.4
Howland, Lizzie H., 1.1
Howland, Shove, 2.3
Hoyt, Edwin P., 9.11
Hubbard, William, 1.4
Hughes, S.F., 9.16
Hughes, W.H., 16.4
[Huickley], Isaac, 11.13
Hungerford, Thomas, 1.3
Hunt, Richard M., 16.5
Hunt, W.M., 8.11, 8.12
Hunter, W.[T.], 7.14
Hurd, John, 1.11
Huskisson, William, 3.4
Hutchinson, Foster, 1.7
Hutchinson, Thomas, Box OS
Inches, Henderson, Jr., 3.12
Ingraham, D.G., 3.7, 6.16, 6.17, 7.1
Ives, Stephen B., Jr., 7.6
Jackson, Mr., 1.16, 1.17, 1.19
Jackson, A.S., 3.9
Jackson, Andrew, 12.5
Jackson, Catherine C., 4.8
Jackson, Charles (1775-1855), 3.2
Jackson, Charles, Jr. (1805-1880), 3.10
Jackson, Edward, 1.1, 1.7, 7.14, 8.2, 8.8, Box OS
Jackson, Francis H., 3.7, 3.16, 4.1-3, 5.4, 5.11, 5.13, 15.13
Jackson, H., 1.2, 3.8, 3.9
Jackson, Hannah L., 3.13, 4.5-9, 4.11, 4.13, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.9, 5.11, 8.16
Jackson, Henry, 17.8
Jackson, James {1777-1867), 1.19, 2.1, 3.1, 5.18, 8.10
Jackson, James (d. 1900), 9.14
Jackson, James (1881-1952), 17.3, 17.7
Jackson, Jonathan, 1.1, 1.2, 1.9-12, 1.18, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 9.12, Vol. 3-9
Jackson, Mary, 1.6, 1.17, 1.19, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.8-20, 3.1, 3.3-5, 3.7-11, 3.15-18, 4.3-13, 5.1-18, 6.5-10, 6.13, 6.14, 6.16, 6.17
2 .帕特里克·特蕾西·杰克逊(1780-1847.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.11, 2.14, 2.20, 3.2, 3.10, Vol. 10-16
Jackson, Patrick Tracy, Jr., 3.16, 4.5, 4.6, 4.10, 4.11, 4.13, 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.10, 5.11, 6.12-14, 7.8, 8.10, 8.12, 9.9, 12.5
17 .帕特里克·特蕾西·杰克逊(1893-1959.4-7
Jackson, Sarah, 3.8
Jackson, Susan C., 3.9, 3.15, 3.16, 3.18, 6.12, 12.5
Jackson & Higginson, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
James, William, 16.14, 16.15, 16.17-19
Jarvis, Charles, 1.9, 1.10
Jarvis, Leonard, 1.12
Jefferson, Thomas, 1.12
Jeffries, John, Jr., 7.14, 7.15
Jenks, John, 2.2
Johnson, John, 1.13
Johnson, Reverdy, Jr., 8.1, 8.8
Jones, Abigail, 1.8
Jones, Sophy, 1.12, 1.13
Kemble, Frances Anne (Fanny), 1.2, 6.12-14, 8.3, 8.4, 8.10, 8.15, 8.16, 9.2, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.10, 9.11, 9.12, 12.6
Kendall, Benjamin F., 7.16, 7.17, 9.7
Kennard, M.P., 16.3-5, 16.13, 16.16, 16.17
Kidder, Camillus G., 9.3
King, G.P., 9.3
King, Jonathan, 2.1
King, Rufus, 1.12
Kingsbury, Joseph, 1.13
Kingston, Stephen, Box OS
Knap, Mary, 1.17
Kneeland, [Dr.] S[amuel], Jr., 7.2
Knight, W.W., 5.16
Knox, Adam, 7.1
Knox, H[enry], 2.1
Kuhn, George W., 7.18
Kynnier, William, Box OS
Labaree, Benjamin W., 17.14
Labor Day, 12.7
Lamb, Thomas, 4.12
Lane, Henry S., 4.1, 9.1
Langdon, Thomas, 2.19
Larcom, David, 6.1, 6.16, 6.17
Larcom, Francis, 6.15-17, 7.1, 7.2, 7.8
Larvin, Mrs. Emory, 7.6
Lawrence, Abbott, 3.7, 3.11
Lawrence, Amos A., 5.17, 7.5, 7.15, 7.16, 8.1, 8.3, 8.12, 8.14, 8.15, 8.16, 9.3
Lawrence, James, 7.5
Lawrence, William, 16.17
Lea, J. Henry, 8.15, 9.1, 9.9, 9.12-15, 11.11
Lear, Tobias, 1.18
Learnard, William, 3.14
LeBarnes, J.W., 7.5
Lee, Alice, 9.18
Lee, Bessie, 6.16
Lee, Edmund, 1.3
Lee, Elizabeth C., 1.1, 4.4, 5.12
Lee, Elizabeth P., 5.10, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.6, 7.7, 7.12, 7.17, 7.18
Lee, Francis (1784-1830), Vol. 17 & 18
Lee, Francis H., 9.5, 11.11
Lee, Francis L., 3.15, 4.4-13, 5.2-11, 5.13-17, 6.5, 7.13, 7.17, 7.18, 9.4
Lee, George C., 17.15
Lee, George W., 2.5
Lee, Harriet J., 3.10, 4.1, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.12, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6-8, 5.10-12, Vol. 19-21
Lee, Henry, 1.5, 1.19
Lee, Henry (1782-1867), 1.2, 2.2, 2.4-9, 2.11-20, 3.1-8, 2.11-12, 3.14-18, 4.1-13, 5.2, 5.4-12, 5.14-20, 6.1-13, 6.17, 14.4, 15.1-9, Vol. 22-66, 106-109
Lee, Henry, Jr. (1817-1898), 1.1, 1.2, 3.7-18, 4.1-13, 5.1-19, 6.1-17, 7.1-19, 8.1-16, 9.1-17, 10.1-3, 10.5-12, 11.1, 11.3-5, 11.7-19, 12.1-5, 12.7-14, 13.1-20, 14.1-5, 15.10-14, 16.1-21, Vol. 67-89, 162
Lee, Henry, III, 5.18, 6.17, 8.13
Lee, Horace C., 8.7
Lee, John, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1
Lee, John C., 4.2, 4.13, 7.1
Lee, Jonas, 2.1
Lee, Joseph (1643-1716), 1.4, 1.5
Lee, Joseph (1680-1736), 1.5, 1.6
Lee, Joseph (1710/11-1802), 1.7, 1.17, 2.1, Box OS
Lee, Joseph (1744-1831), 1.8, 1.9, 1.13, 1.14, 2.2, 2.7, 2.15, Vol. 90-109
Lee, Joseph, Jr. (1779-1845), 2.3, 2.5-9, 2.12, 3.2, 3.3, 4.13, Vol. 110-114
Lee, Joseph (b. 1901), 17.11
Lee, Joseph & Company, 1.13
Lee, L., 1.12, 1.13
Lee, Mary Cabot, 2.9, 3.1
Lee, Mary Jackson, 1.6, 1.17, 1.19, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.8-20, 3.1, 3.3-5, 3.7-11, 3.15-18, 4.3-13, 5.1-18, 6.5-10, 6.13, 6.14, 6.16, 6.17
Lee, S. Adams, 8.13
Lee, Thomas (1673-1766), 1.5, 1.6
Lee, Thomas (1741-1830), 1.7, 1.11, 1.13, 1.15, 1.19, 2.1-5, 2.13, 2.15, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, Box OS, Vol. 114
Lee, Thomas (1779-1867), 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 5.9, 5.17, 6.11, 8.8, 14.1, Vol. 115-141
Lee, Thomas J., 8.1
Lee, William, 8.13-15, 9.5
Lee, William Colman, 1.1, 2.3, Vol. 154
Lee, William P., 7.1, 7.7
Lee, Woodis, 1.5
Lee & Cabot, 1.13-18, Box OS, Vol. 105-109
Lee & Higginson, 5.17-19, 6.1-12
Leigh, Francis B., 9.12
Leigh, John, 1.3
Leigh, Joseph, 1.3
Leman, Walter M., 9.7
Leonard, Joseph, 6.13, 6.14
给马萨诸塞州棉花制造商的信, 5.5, 15.2-9
Lewis, Richard C., 6.1-4
Lewis, Winslow, 6.10
Lincoln, Abraham, 7.7, 7.9, 7.17, 8.10
Lincoln, Benjamin, 1.9
Lincoln, F[rederick] W., Jr., 6.17
Lindsay, Capt., 7.9
Little, Thomas, 8.5
Livermore, C.F., 8.5
Livermore, Thomas L., 13.12, 16.13
Lloyd, James, 2.7, 2.9
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 8.14-16, 9.4, 9.6-10, 9.12-14, 9.17, 12.2, 12.11
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 17.7
Lodge, John E., 7.6, 7.7, 7.11
Logan, William H., 12.12
Long, John Davis, 9.16
Longfellow, Fanny Appleton, 5.10
Longfellow, Henry W., 4.9, 8.15
Lord, Robert, 1.4
Lord, Thomas, 1.3
Loring, Anna T., 7.14, 7.16, 8.7, 8.12
Loring, Augustus D., Jr., 17.10
Loring, Charles G., 6.13
Loring, Frank W., 8.7
Loring, Katharine, 17.8
Loring, W.T., 7.16
Love, Thomas, 1.8
Lovering, Joseph, 1.14
Lovitt, John, 1.8
Lowell, A. Lawrence, 17.7
Lowell, Anna C., 8.12
Lowell, Charles Russell, Jr. (1835-1864), 7.3, 7.9, 7.14, 8.1, 8.3
Lowell, Edward T., 9.7
Lowell, Elizabeth C., 2.1-3
Lowell, Francis (1775-1817), 2.4
Lowell, Francis C. (1824-1897), 8.13, 9.14
Lowell, John, 9.4, 12.13
Lowell, John A., 1.2, 1.9, 1.16, 1.17, 1.19
Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 8.11, 16.3, 16.5, 16.13-15
Lyman, Arthur T., 6.14, 9.8
Lyman, Elizabeth C., 17.5
Lyman, George S., 6.14
Lyman, Henry, 9.9
Lyman, Mimi, 16.12, 16.14, 16.15
Lyman, Theodore, 8.12, 8.13, 8.16, 9.3, 9.11, 9.17, 12.14
McClellan, [George Binton], 7.4, 7.9
McDuffie, George, 3.4, 3.5
McInnes, William M., 9.13
McKim, C[harles] F[ollen], 9.8, 9.12, 9.13, 16.16, 16.21
Madison, James, 2.11-13
Malone, Dumas, 17.6
Mandell, George, 13.12
Mann, C.H., 7.6
Mann, Horace, 6.11, 6.12
Manning, Ethelwyn, 17.5
Manufacturers' & Merchants' Bank, 3.5
Marcy, Randolph B., 7.6
Martin, D.A., 8.11
Martyn, Edward, Box OS
Mason, Jeremiah, 13.1
Mason, William P., Jr., 7.12
Massachusetts Mills, 5.3
Mathewson, Hope, 17.5
Matthews, Albert, 9.18
Matthews, Nathan, 7.1
Matthews, Nathan, Jr., 9.9, 9.10, 9.11, 9.13
Mayhew, I., 1.7
Mayhew, William E., 6.4, 6.12
Meade, George G., 8.11
Mellows family, 11.10
Melville, Thomas, 1.19
Mercer, Robert & Richard, 1.15
Meredith, J. Morris, 9.3
Mertens & Co., 2.16
Metcalf, Henry B., 7.17
Miles & Cabot, 2.16
Military ball (state), 8.9
Miller, Col. [James F.], 7.5, 7.13
Mills, Anna C.L., 7.5, 7.17
Mills, Charles J., 7.15
Milton Hill, 9.16
Minerva-Turner, ship, 1.19
Minot, George R., 17.4-7
Minot, James, 1.4, 1.5
Minot, James J., 17.3
Minot, William, Jr., 3.13, 3.17, 3.18, 4.5, 4.9, 4.11, 5.1, 5.10, 5.12, 6.12, 9.2, 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.17, 13.1
Minot, Hooper & Co., 9.11-14
Miralla & Co., 2.17
Mitchell, Charles L., 16.6, 16.18
Moe, J.C. & E., 7.9
Monteith, William, 7.13
Montgomery, Capt., 7.13
Morgan, William, Box OS
Morison, Samuel E., 17.1, 17.2, 17.8
Morland, W.W., 7.14
Morrill, Charles James, 13.2
Morrison, Donald, 2.4
Morse, Benjamin Eddy, 13.1
Morse, Frances R., 1.2, 9.18
Morse, John T., Jr., 8.13, 9.7, 9.13, 12.4
Morse, L.C., 6.12
Morton, Levi P., 16.5
Mulligan, James C., 7.19
Munroe, T., 7.1
Needham, Edmund, 1.18
Nelson, M.J., 8.1
Netherell, J.N., 8.1
New England Emigrant Aid Co., 6.10
Newell, Andrew, 1.8
Newell, William, 8.16
Newman, Carolus, Box OS
Newton, E.A., 2.6
Nichols, George [H.], 9.12
Nichols, James M., 7.16
Nichols, John W.T., 9.11-14
Niebuhr, Caleb E., 8.5
Noble, John, 17.7
Norcross Brothers, 16.6
Northrup, B[irdsey] [Grant], 8.3
Norton, Charles E., 7.8. 8.1, 8.15
Oakes, James, 7,17
Oakey, Daniel, 7.11, 7.16, 8.8
Oakey, S.W., 7.13, 7.17, 7.19
Oakey, W.F., 8.8
Ober, John P., 6.16, 7.5, 7.6
O'Brien, Hugh, 9.6
O'Kane, Bernard, 7.2, 7.5
Olmsted, F[rederick] L[aw], 9.3, 9.17
Olmsted, Mary C., 9.17
Olney, Richard, 9.2, 9.13, 9.16
Ormarabal, Jose Maria de, 1.1
Orne, Timothy, 1.7
Osborne, F.A., 8.1, 8.7
Otis, Harrison Gray, 6.5
Owen, John, 1.13
P., M.E., 7.4
Packard, Col., 7.9
Packard & Gowen, 2.17
Page, William, 1.14
Paine, Charles C., 3.14, 3.15, 4.3
Paine, Ebenezer, 1.13
Palfrey, Francis W., 7.6
Palfrey, J[ohn] G[orham], 7.3
Palmer, Wilson & Co., 2.17, 2.19
Parker, Charles H., 3.15, 4.3, 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.11, 5.1, 5.11, 9.16
Parker, [Francis J.], 7.11
Parker, F[rancis] E., 8.16, 13.4
Parker, James, 6.5
Parker, Lydia D., 7.5
Parkman, Henry, 8.16
Parkman, Mary E., 6.16, 7.5, 7.8
Parkman, Samuel, 4.10
Patten, C.B., 8.11
Patty & Molly, brig, 1.6
Paul, Joseph F., 7.2, 7.8, 7.9
Peabody, [Lucia], 6.16
Pearson, George W., 7.17
3 .佩德罗二世,巴西皇帝(1825-1891.3
Peel, Sir Robert, 5.14, 5.19
Pegan, Mary, 1.6
Peirce, George, 9.7, 11.12
Peirson, Charles, 7.19, 8.1
Pemberton, John, 1.3
Perkins, John, 1.3
Perkins, S.H., 4.4
Perkins, Thomas Handasyd, 2.3, 13.5
Perkins, William, 13.5
Perry, Margaret, 17.7
Peters, John, Box OS
Phelps, J.W., 8.12
Phillips, George W., 4.2, 4.3
Phillips, J[ames] D[uncan], 17.7, 17.14
Phillips, Stephen H., 7.16
Phillips, Wendell, 11.10, 13.6
Philocles, 1.7
Phipps, Samuel, 1.4
Pickering, Henry W., 4.3, 4.4
Pickering, Octavius, 3.8
Pickering, Winslow & Co., 7.1
Pickett, Thomas, 1.13
Pickman, Benjamin, 1.8, 2.2
Pierce, Albin D., 8.4
Pierce, E.L., 16.16
Pillsbury, A.S., 9.6
Pomhammon,别名Israel Rumblemash.6
Porter, Edward S., 9.13
Porter, Eliphalet, 1.19
Porter, Kenneth W., 9.18, 17.2-14
Pratt-Coroner, Jabez, 13.3
Preble, W[illiam] P[itt], 3.7
Prescott, James, 1.9
Prescott, Oliver, 2.1
Prescott, William, 2.6, 2.7
Preston, [George] R., 7.17
Preston, W[illiam] C[ampbell], 3.4
Price, Benjamin S., 7.10
Prince, [E.] Octavius, 3.10, 7.9, 7.10, 8.16
Princess Ann, ship, 2.14
Putnam, E., 8.8
Putnam, Jesse, 2.3
Putnam, [John] C., 8.1
Pynchon, William, 1.13
Quincy, Edmund, 1.7
Quincy, Eliza S., 5.18
Quincy, Josiah (1709-1784), 1.7
Quincy, Josiah (1772-1864), 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
Quincy, Josiah. (1859-1919), 9.4, 16.21
Raguet, C[ondy], 3.4, 3.6, 3.7
Randolph, John, 3.4
Rantoul, Robert P., 9.13
Ray, William, 8.5
Raymond, W., 8.8
Reaper, brig, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 2.13
Reed, Bell & De Yongh & Co., 2.17, 2.18, 2.19
Reid, John H., 7.1, 7.7, 16.16
Remsen, Peter, 2.5
Republic, ship, 3.13
Rice, Alexander H., 8.15
Richard, William R., 9.7
Richards, Ellen R., 9.1
Richards & Jones, 2.6
Ricketson, Joseph, 7.4, 7.5
Rider, John, 1.6
Rinza, schooner, 4.3
Ripley, Ezra, 7.4
Ripley, George, 5.16
Ripley, S.A., 6.16
Ritchie, Harrison, 6.5, 7.7, 7.16, 8.1
Robinson, William H., 5.16
Rodgers, Joseph, 3.2
Rodman, William Logan, 7.1, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 7.17
Rogers, John, 1.4
Rogers, Sarah, 1.4
Rollins, William, 2.17
Roosevelt, Theodore, 9.5, 13.8
Rosecrans, W[illiam] S[tarke], 7.3
Rotch, Francis, 1.9, 1.12
Ruck, John, Box OS
Ruffin, Josephine, 16.6
Rumble, Adrianah, 7.6
Rumblemash,以色列,别名Pomhammon, 1岁.6
Russel, [W.] C., 3.10
Russell, Dr., 8.13
Russell, Emily, 1.2
Russell, H.S., 9.5, 9.7, 16.20
Russell, James, 2.9, 2.12
Russell, LeBaron, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, 9.17
Russell, S.B., 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 6.6, 6.7, 8.13
Russell, Thomas, 1.12
Russell, William G., 7.13, 9.3
[S.], C.E., 8.10
St. Gaudens, Augustus, 16.2-4, 16.6-9, 16.11, 16.12, 16.16, 16.17
Sale, W.A., 6.11, 6.16
Salla, J.R., 7.5
Salter, Robert, Box OS
Saltonstall, Leverett, 7.18, 9.3, 9.6
Sargent, H[orace] B., 6.16, 7.7, 7.18
Sargent, Wendell P., 17.14
Savage, James, 7.13
Scarlett, Samuel, 1.5
Schenkle, J.P., 7.10
Schouler, William, 7.4, 7.5, 7.7, 7.10-17, 7.19, 8.1-4, 8.6-8
Schurz, Carl, 8.15
Scott, Winfield, 7.6
Scudder, H[orace] E., 9.11-13
Seabury, Frank, 12.11
Searle, Fanny, 1.2
Sears, David, 6.17, 7.5
Sears, Robert, 6.13
Sedgwick, Ellery, 17.7
Sedgwick, Theodore, 3.6, 3.7
Sewall, Jonathan, 1.5, 1.15, 3.3, 9.7, 9.15
Sewall, Samuel, 1.5, 9.7
Seymour, Paul, 5.18
Shattuck, Elizabeth P., 9.18
Shattuck, Frederic C., 9.1, 9.4, 9.18
[Shattuck, George C.], 1.2, 10.5, 13.10
Shattuck, Henry L., 17.1-15
Shaw, Francis George, 16.22
Shaw, Gardiner Howland, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.10, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7, 5.14, 6.17, 7.14
Shaw, Robert Gould (monument), 8.15, 16.1-21
Shaw, Sarah B., 16.13, 16.15
Shearer, Thomas, Box OS
Shed, Samuel, 1.9
Shimmen, William, 2.6, 2.7, 2.14
Shreve, Thomas H., 5.18
Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., 7.13
Sibley, Samuel, 1.6
Silsbee, W.D., 7.7
Simison, Barbara Damon, 17.8
Simpkins, John, 8.1
Smith, Benjamin, 1.14
Smith, Charles, Box OS
Smith, Charles C., 9.15
Smith, Elias, 1.12
Smith, John, 1.13
Snow, Eleazer, 1.13
Sohier, Ed[ward] D., 6.17, 7.4, 13.11
Somerby, Horatio Gates, 6.8
Sowdon, A.J.C., 8.12
Sparhawk, Nathaniel, 1.13
Spear, David, 1.13
Sprague, [Samuel], 9.8
Stanton, E[dwin] M., 8.11
State House (Massachusetts), 3.11, 9.14
Steffen, William, 7.17
Steiglitz & Co., 2.18, 2.19
Stephens, John, Box OS
Stetson, Sidney A., 7.14
Stetson, S.A. & Co., 6.13
Stevenson, Thomas G., 8.1
Stillman, Dr. Samuel, 1.18
Stoddard, George G., 7.11
Stone, Ebenezer W., 4.2, 9.13
Storer, Woodbury, 2.3
Strong, Wilson B., 16.14
Sturgis, Elizabeth O.P., 8.16
Sturgis, James, 8.10
Sturgis, Josiah, 5.17
Sturgis, William, 2.4
Sullivan, Richard, Jr., 4.6-9, 4.11, 4.13, 5.1, 5.6, 5.12, 12.2
Sullivan, Russell, 16.20
Sullivan, T.R., 16.19
Sumner, Charles, 7.2
Surgeons (Civil War), 7.14
Swett, Samuel W., 6.12, 7.6
Swift, Henry W., 9.7
Taber, J.C., 7.15
Tappan, Edward A., 4.2, 4.3
Tarbell, George G., 9.1, 9.9, 9.13, 9.14, 9.15
Taussig, Prof. Frank W., 13.14
Taylor, Charles H., 9.10
Taylor, J. Watson, 9.12
Taylor, David & Sons, 7.1
Temple, James, 3.6
Thacher, John Boyd, 16.6
Thatcher, Samuel, 1.12
Thayer, Adin, 13.15
Thayer, J[ames] B[radley], 7.18, 9.11, 10.3, 12.3
Thompson, John, 1.14
Thompson, N.A., 4.2, 4.4
Thorndike, Israel, 2.2
Thornely, Thomas, 5.14
Ticknor, Anna Eliot, 13.16
Ticknor, George, 7.5
Tilton, Eleanor M., 17.12
Tilton, William S., 7.4
Tinan, B.T., 15.10
Torrey, Ellen Cabot, 9.16
Torrey, George A., 9.9
Towne, Benjamin, 1.2
Towne, Solomon, 2.18
Townsend, E[dward] D[avis], 7.9, 7.11
Tracy, John, 1.18, Vol. 156
Tracy, Nancy, 3.5
Tracy, Nathaniel, 1.13
Tracy, Patrick, 1.16, 1.17
Trask, Amos & Hannah, 1.8
Tremlett, H.M., 7.19
Trowbridge, John, 9.11
Trowbridge, Libbie P., 7.6
Tuck, Henry, Box OS
Tuckerman, G., 5.12
Tudor, Frederic, 5.18
Turner, Henry A., 16.2
Turner, Samuel E., 9.11
Tuttle, Mr., 9.18
Tyler, John, 4.4, 4.9, 5.7, 5.9
Union, brig, 1.8
Upham, George B., 9.12
Vickere, John, 1.13
Volant, schooner, 1.14, 1.15, Box OS
Wade, Thomas, 1.4
Waite, Thomas, 1.4
Wallace, Daniel, 1.13
Walsh, M.J., 17.11
Ward, Bessie Schonberg, 9.16
Ward, Samuel G., 3.11, 3.12, 6.5, 6.15, 8.1, 12.2
Ward, Thomas W., 3.13, 4.5, 5.2
Ware, H[enry], 8.1, 8.8
Ware, W[illiam] Rotch, 7.14, 9.14
Waring, Mrs. Guy, 17.5
Warner, Henry E., 9.13
Warner, Joseph B., 9.11
Warren, Edwin R., 7.6
Warren, J.M., 1.2
Warren, Joseph, 1.19
Washburn, Emory, 7.11, 7.16
Waterhouse, Benjamin, 2.14, 3.3, 3.6
Waterhouse, Louisa Lee, 1.2, 5.14, 5.17, 6.2, 6.11, 6.17
Waterhouse, S., 6.12
Waters, Henry F., 9.6
Waterston, Anna C.L., 16.16
Watkins, Walter K., 9.15, 9.16
Webb, Thomas H., 7.3
Webb & Co., 2.19
Webster, Daniel, 4.10, 8.8, 13.18
Webster, Fletcher, 7.3, 7.11, 8.12
Welch, Charles Alfred, 4.7, 4.11, 4.12, 5.1, 7.1
Wells, William & Greene, 2.18, 2.19
Wellman, W.W., 8.4
Wells, Frank, 8.1
Wetherell, J.W., 16.16
Wheatland, Henry, 8.12
Wheelwright, Charles H., 4.3, 4.5
Wheelwright, Edward, 9.4, 9.7, 9.15
Wheelwright, Mary C., 17.5
[Whelan, C.O.], 7.7
Whistler, George, 13.19
Whitcher, Martin L., 3.18
White, Freeman, 4.2
White, Horace, 8.15
White, Joseph & Sarah, 1.6
[Whitman, Samuel W.], 9.12, 10.10, 12.4
Whitmore, W[illiam] H., 8.13, 9.17, 14.5
Whiton, L[yman] B., 8.5
Whittemore, George, 7.16
Wightman, Henry M., 13.18
Wigley, Edmund, 1.3
Wild, Edward A., 7.14
Wild, Micah, 1.13
Willard, Abijah, Levi, Abel, 1.7
Willard, Joseph, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Willett, George E., 17.15
Williams, A.S., 7.17
Williams, Charles J., 15.12
Williams, George, 3.3
Williams, H., 9.12
Williams, Moses, 16.18
Williams, Samuel, 2.4
Williams, Thomas, Box OS
Wilson, H[enry], 7.7, 7.11, 8.2, 15.11
Wilson, Palmer, 2.17
Winslow, George, 7.2
Winsor, F[rederick], 8.3
Winthrop, Adam, Box OS
Winthrop, James, 2.1
Winthrop, Robert C., 8.8, 8.10, 8.12, 9.4, 9.9, 9.17, 13.20
Winthrop, Robert C., Jr., 13.20
Winthrop, William, 1.2, 1.12
Wister, Annis Lee, 9.12
Wister, Owen (Dan), 8.15
Wister, Owen J., 8.16, 9.1, 9.6, 9.14
Wister, William Rotch, 9.6
Wolcott, Huntington Frothingham, 13岁.18
Wolcott, Roger, 9.16, 16.19
Wood, Jonathan, 5.13
Wood, Joseph, 2.2
Woodis, Henry & Sarah, 1.4, 1.5
Woodman, Emily F., 9.18
Woolsey, Theodore D., 8.15
Wright, Elizur, 8.16
Wyman, M[orrill], 7.16, 12.2
Yorke, Samuel & James Schott, 2.7
Zalinski, E. [L.], 15.12

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Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867.
Gallatin, Albert, 1761-1849.
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 1831-1902.
Hayne, Robert Young, 1791-1839.
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.
Jackson, Jonathan, 1743-1810.
Jackson, P. T. (Patrick Tracy), 1780-1847.
Kemble, Fanny, 1809-1893
Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855.
Lee, Henry, 1782-1867.
Lee, Henry, 1817-1898.
Lee, Joseph, 1744-1831.
Lee, Joseph, 1770-1845.
Lee, Mary Jackson, 1783-1860.
Lee, Thomas, 1741-1830.
Lee, Thomas, 1779-1867.
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924.
Shattuck, Henry Lee, 1879-1971.
Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863.




Banks and banking.
Cotton manufacture.
Free trade.


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